
Monday, May 01, 2006

Good Weekend. Other than Cannon's migraine Saturday afternoon it was a good weekend. The kids and I went to my hometown to celebrate my nephew's, Garrett, birthday. He turned 5 and WOW watching all of those 4,5, and 6 year old boys run around was a HOOT! Jewel was the only girl there (other than baby Elizabeth)so she took it upon herself to try to "organize" the boys. One little boy complained to me, "Hey lady, your daughter is bossing us around." My response, "Well some girls are so just ignore her". Then he ran off to play so my comment either made good sense or none at all. (Jewel is bossy-, but in a loving way :) ).

Joysous news on the homefront. My nephew, George, who is 6 years old asked Jesus to be his personal Lord and Saviour this past Thursday night. George has been asking questions for a month or so but my brother wanted to make sure George really understood the plan of salvation and not just, "going through the motions" so he'd been putting George off. Well, after Thursday supper prayers George asked questions again and simply told Ryan- he knew what he was talking about, he understood and wanted to ask Jesus to be his Saviour. The best decision a person can ever make in their life.




  • At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.


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