About Me
- Name: gamergeekwife
- Location: Iowa, United States
Mom of two funny,cute children and wife of fabulous gamer geek.
Previous Posts
- Today, after I'd mailed all of our Christmas cards...
- Today, I think I have more on the "to do" list tha...
- Here is my new baby cousin. Yes, she is my 1st co...
- Here are pics from Thanksgiving. Ca...
- Grandma Rose's girls. Here is a gorgeous pic of mo...
- I understand that I irritate certain people by ver...
- I so need to drop film off at Target and then uplo...
- Hum.. lets see. Had parent/teacher conferences, ...
- We still do not have intenet hooked up at the new ...
At 4:54 AM,
Unknown said…
Sorry, I've been away! I'm still away, but dropped by your blog and saw you were missing some comments, so am just saying hi on this wonderful shot of the Frank I remember. What a scream!
Merry Christmas, because I'm sure I won't be back before then!!
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