
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Super busy week. Today has been MUCH better. Last night, Frank and I got to go for a walk in the gorgeous fall like weather this had a POWERFUL IMPACT on decreasing my anxiety. I rambled on, he held my hand, let me ramble some more and then he talked and then we talked about fun stuff. I'm so glad we are forcing ourselves to find time to do fun things. I have been in mommy sacrifice mode for many years now and although to an extend that is what moms need to do sometimes I was carrying it to an extreme at the expense of my marriage and my own mental health. Our entire family made changes over the summer and by God's grace we will stick with them.
Jewel and I are beyond excited for coronation. It will be my 2nd weekend long event and Jewel's 1st. Cannon will spend the weekend with a friend and Sunday with G&G H. It is nice to get away from electronics, be outside, see our SCA friends (yes i have some now too :) ) and learn things. I had a moment of panic today when I thought it is so nice to have a group of friends like this we've had this before with.. church friends., well then they would move away or leave the church or some petty little fight would start and then .. nothing and then we held on trying to fix or whatever until things got so bad we were miserable but didn't want to leave because there are still people there you care about and it is your "church" family with eternal ties. But then I thought. I cannot do this to myself and Frank. I don't see this happening with our SCA group (not that I did with certain church groups either) but if it does we will find a new group of friends or hobby or whatever. I need to enjoy now. the time away from the house and busy society, the time with Frankie, the time with my children, the time OUTSIDE, the time with my new friends and the time learning new things.. speaking of learning new things.

Frank, the kids and I made CHEESE this past weekend. Yes, that's correct CHEESE from scratch. I got to be in charge of stirring and watching the temp of the mixture until it heated up to 180, etc. It tasted FABULOUS!!!!!!!! we all had such fun. The only downside is I got sick to my tummy (which due to other issues in not unusual for me) but then Frankie did later so.. (Jewel also did not feel well, but on Friday before we made the cheese and she really didn't eat much of it so...).. was it a bad recipe? did we catch something from Jewel? did we make it incorrectly? was it the bacon Frank ate bad? hum... It was SO yummy and fun to make I hope it wasn't the recipe or us. We are going to be brave and try to make it again.

better go work is busy




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