
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lately, I have experienced some things that have reminded me of past life lessons or taught me new ones.

1st, Just because someone hurts you your love for them doesn't go away. I had experienced this with family members and now with someone different. Friends, etc people hurt each other; we are human. It still hurts, but surprising how love stays and how strong that love is- even grows.

2nd I am a strong person. My faith is what carries me through, but I am a strong person. Several things happened to me during my childhood within and without my family that I survived. I am not alone in this many people went through what I did, many a million times worse. With God's help people changed how they interated within my immediate and some extended family members. When I was younger I was tough on purpose. Now I don't think I'm tough, but I am strong.

3rd Not taking people for granted; that is the biggest.

4th often times the best things in life grow out of the worst things.

5 my children are awesome

A sincere thank you to my Frankie, my friends-esp those prayer warriors who knew an unspoken request or those precious few I opened my soul to, my family Sara, Kris, and Katie, for being there for me.

I'm letting what happened go. You all can hold me accountable. Its up to God now.



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