
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today, I remember with much fondness, Grandma Rose. I do not think there are birthdays in Heaven, but if there are Happy Birthday. We think of you often, miss you and love you. You were not "my grandma" but the last 8 years or so you let me "claim you" and refered to me as your granddaughter when we ran into your friends while out and about (it only happened a couple of times ,but man it made me feel good).
I feel badly for my 2 sickies-Frankie and Jewel. Frankie gets precious few sick days at work so I now he is truly sick when he calls in (he gets "pointed" once he is out of those days and can't use vacation days, etc). Jewel was sick last week. I thought she was just tired yesterday and today so I endured her complaints and pushed her along with daily life. This a.m. I was frustrated she was not getting up and ready (she is a night owl, not a rooster-or whatever female bird arises early). Just to appease her I measured her temp via ah she was at 99.9. She was only wearing her p.j. jop (she refuses to wear the bottoms) so I know it was not a false temp from being cozy in blankets & p.j.s
Okie that's all. Work is good ,but busy.
Still trying to deal very well with what happened with my family member.
ta ta for now~


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