
Monday, November 17, 2008

Hey all! Today, I have found myself crying at the drop of a hat. I am really liking my 2nd job, but worked extra hours this weekend, but I don't think that is why I am extra emotional ( growing up we were not allowed to cry-ever. Frank thought that was not good for me so he "helped" me learn to cry instead of become angry at everything. ) I wear my heart on my sleeve most every day, but today is worse (isn't that the best run-on sentence ever?
Frank also worked all weekend, but I found a babysitter for Jewel for part of Saturday. Sunday he worked until 7 pm I worked from 6pm until 12:30 a.m. so Cannon watched Jewel for that half hour. Even though Frankie had just worked 3 days of 12 hr shifts he knows I'm not good abt eating when I'm busy so he waited up until 12:30 a.m. and then made me an egg sandwich. That man simply amazes me. Then, he was really sweet and let me sleep in this a.m. he even made me coffee :) He spent extra time with Jewel as she has also been very emotional lately. Frankie and Jewel are super cute together very much like Frank Sr. and Sara; it simply warms my heart.
I found out my aunt Patty is dying from colon cancer-junkers. She is a very strong Christian woman (married to my dad's brother who is not a Christian so please pray for him). She fought ovarian cancer 2x but now the cancer mastetized (okay I can't spell that word right now) to her colon. She is only in her late 40's (married to one of my dad's younger brothers) so maybe that is why I keep crying today. Anyway..

More later!



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