My husband and his mom are truly cute. So at VEISHA we watched the S.C.A. fights as we always do and the gal recruiting people for the group gave us a flyer. Well Frank just shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I don't have time". Out of nowhere (or maybe 'cuz his mom loves history and is crafty and her nephew in Omaha hada middle ages themed wedding we went to-very cool by the way) I commented, "You know who would really love going to that group with you? Your Mom." So last night, Frank and his mom decided to give the group a try- they recreate events and items from the Middle Ages. Frank reported he had a really good time and he thinks his Mom did too. Frank and his mom are just very cute together so I hope it is something fun they can do. I really hope Cannon and I can have that quality of a connection when he is grown.
I think Frank, the kids and I are going to try to go to a church here that has Saturday evening services so Frank can go to church sometimes. The kids and I will still attend our home church, but the other church has a more regular service on Saturday nights.
I found a bargain!! Did you all know Hy-Vee carries a lip balm with SPF identical to name brands, but Hy-Vee's lip balm is on 79 cents versus 146 cents? Wow! I'm so excited about my new find. (Yes I've almost become my mother, but I haven't blogged about buy one get one free yet-her favortie event of all time which us kids have decided we'll engrave"Buy one get one Free" on her tombstone).
As we drove down main street the other day Jewel declared, "Ya know what? I love spring". I thought that was cute.
For mother's day I got The Facts of Life on DVD (season 1 and 2!) which Jewel and I have been watching. The show came out on Tuesday so I got my present early. Jewel was trying to explain what the series was like to Frank when he started singng the theme song, "Oh Daddy how do you know that?" So I explained that Daddy was a closet Facts of Life lover. he he. I thought Cannon was going to have a cow! defending his father's disdain for this show. Very funny.
I tried white tea for the 1st time today-very good I highly recommend it.
Jewel's class had their poetry parade for moms this morning-very cute.
My aunt's twins turn 1 year old today. They are miracles and blessings from God. She and her husband struggled for many years trying for a family. The twins were preemies, but are doing amazingly well all things considered.
We got new pictures of my nephew in Guatemala-who gets cutier in each picture. I know God has a perfect plan so I'm trying not to spazz about him not being here yet. My sis-in-law stays calm about everything so if she's not anxious I'm trying not to be.
I've had two days of worries,but today is better. I thought someone I really cared about was mad at me, but I think its okay and some other stuff happened that was stressful, but I think I thought on it too much.
Later Gators!
I think Frank, the kids and I are going to try to go to a church here that has Saturday evening services so Frank can go to church sometimes. The kids and I will still attend our home church, but the other church has a more regular service on Saturday nights.
I found a bargain!! Did you all know Hy-Vee carries a lip balm with SPF identical to name brands, but Hy-Vee's lip balm is on 79 cents versus 146 cents? Wow! I'm so excited about my new find. (Yes I've almost become my mother, but I haven't blogged about buy one get one free yet-her favortie event of all time which us kids have decided we'll engrave"Buy one get one Free" on her tombstone).
As we drove down main street the other day Jewel declared, "Ya know what? I love spring". I thought that was cute.
For mother's day I got The Facts of Life on DVD (season 1 and 2!) which Jewel and I have been watching. The show came out on Tuesday so I got my present early. Jewel was trying to explain what the series was like to Frank when he started singng the theme song, "Oh Daddy how do you know that?" So I explained that Daddy was a closet Facts of Life lover. he he. I thought Cannon was going to have a cow! defending his father's disdain for this show. Very funny.
I tried white tea for the 1st time today-very good I highly recommend it.
Jewel's class had their poetry parade for moms this morning-very cute.
My aunt's twins turn 1 year old today. They are miracles and blessings from God. She and her husband struggled for many years trying for a family. The twins were preemies, but are doing amazingly well all things considered.
We got new pictures of my nephew in Guatemala-who gets cutier in each picture. I know God has a perfect plan so I'm trying not to spazz about him not being here yet. My sis-in-law stays calm about everything so if she's not anxious I'm trying not to be.
I've had two days of worries,but today is better. I thought someone I really cared about was mad at me, but I think its okay and some other stuff happened that was stressful, but I think I thought on it too much.
Later Gators!
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
I wouldn't say that I am calm. You should ask Bill about that. I think that I have called the agency everyday for the past week. I think they are annoyed with me. :)
No, it is hard to wait, but God is in control. As hard as that is to say, it is true. God has the perfect time picked out for us to go get Alex. I myself had a different time picked, but I am sure His is ultimately better. :) Hopefully soon.
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