
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Howdy all! I can honestly report the kids and I had a fabulous!!! weekend. We went to Waterloo to visit my family. Frankie stayed home and had to work in the hot factory (sorry babe). We also neglected in not visiting Auntie Sara while we were so close to Cedar Falls (sorry!!).
I hadn't been home since March. A short visit in April, but for Garrett's b-day so we gathered at the mall and didn't get to really visit anyone; besides it was a super short visit (like 3 hrs for the b-day party).
My mom had a coupon (she and Jeanette are excellent finders of great deals!) for 2 hrs of unlimited bowling, a pizza, bowling shoe rental, and a pitcher of pop (the cousins shouted in one accord "Root beer!"). All the cousins were there except Grant who had back-to-back baseball games. The cousins all giggled, high fived, chest butted -only for spares or strikes! Cannon kept his competitivness to a dull roar. My mom and I were so glad they cheered each other on for higher scores and Cannon and George could be heard yelling, "Ah man you got robbed" when a pin wiggled, but didn't fall down.
In the afternoon, my sister and I did a little shopping at the mall. We hadn't done that in over a year so that was nice. I found a shirt on clearance at Penney's for 4 bucks (which was good b/c stupid me shrunk the original shirt I bought that matched my shorts). Gretchen found several good deals for her upcoming trips and family reunion on hubby's side.
Then my mom got a kid sized tent on clearance (see an on-going theme here?) which Garrett and Jewel played in a lot-even wanted to eat inside there. We had a quick, light supper and ice cream and pop corn later on. Sara, Cannon's eating spree continues. The kids played together and hung out. I saw baby Henry for the 4th time-even got to hold him and talk to him for quite awhile; that was really nice. Henry turns one yrs old in mid September,but I've only seen him 4 times counting this weekend.
Later that night Mom and I took Copper for a run. Okay, Mom walked and Copper and I ran around the track and then back to her. That little dog has ENERGY!!!!! It felt really good to run. I'd ran the night before that, but unfortunatley due to church meetings, etc. I haven't been able to run since. I hope I will be able to run tonight. I did lift weights this a.m., but not as much as I would like. I've gained weight-which the Dr is very happy about, but me "not so much" to quote Paul Buchman (Mad About You-that was cute show).
Then my sister loaned me Dallas season 3-Frank and I both like to watch that show sans children. By today's standards Dallas is mild, but Jewel really doesn't need to know about J.R.'s affairs (and I don't want to explain them).
On Sunday, we went to the building site of Kurt's new house and stopped by to visit my mom's mom whom I haven't visited since last summer. She gave me a "talking to" about not visiting her,but it just seems so hard to get home to even see my parents. It was great to chat with her. She has terrific family pics up. My cousin and his wife had a baby 2 years ago,but no one bothered to tell me. I'm not nearly as close to my mom's side as I am to my dad's side, but still it would be nice to know about blood related births anyway. A beautiful little girl named Madeline.
Frankie's grandma is "holding her own" after her terrible stroke a few weeks ago. My dad's mom started having strokes last week so we will see how she recovers.
On the way to Waterloo, Cannon read Eragon to me. He has read Eragon many times and Eldest once,but I've yet to read them. By the 3rd chapter I was hooked. I stayed up until 11:30 P.M. on Sunday night reading Eragon. Bill-once your life settles down I highly recommend this book.
The rest of the week has been a blur of work, sorting G.R.'s pictures for a family disc,dr's appts, vet appts and VBS meetings. I've been TERRIBLE about emailing people back- SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jewel hasn't been sleeping so neither have I.
We have the potential to purchase a fixer-upper home-please pray. We are really close to officially closing the deal. We've been doing a lot of paper work with this and trying to sell our mobile home. We are selling it at cost. anyhooo.... Good luck to Bill and Katie as they move and also sell their home.
I will try to not be such a junky, friend and email more.
To everyone who sent happy e-mails while Cannon was sick last week. THANK YOU!!! He is doing much better this week- a new med.
Love to you all !!!


  • At 4:32 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Good to hear from you!! I have internet, but no time now! It's fair week and Mallory is judged in three hours! Think I might throw up...

    Anyway, I'll blog later but I just wanted to catch up with you!!

  • At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I read Eragon two years ago-very good series of books.



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