
Friday, September 21, 2007

Okie. I've already posted several pics from Jewel's ballet recital weekend, but I just had to post one of Cannon with his mohawk. On the last day of school Cannon begged his dad to cut him a mohawk with our new hair clippers. I said, "Ugh no". Frankie told me to lighten up; I decided it was only hair. Actually he looked pretty good in it. Due to recent family events, I'm glad it had grown out so he could get a proper hair cut.
Alrighty, now I'm really behind on work.
In answer to Ellen's query-we hope to put the new flooring down the 28-30 th. We still hope to move in mid-October. Then I'll get ready for Trick-or-Treaters!! Jewel and i have grand plans of setting pumpkins on our front porch.


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