
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Happy Painting! Frankie, G'pa Frank and G'ma Kris have been working away at the new house. My father-in-law even showed me how to run a yard edger, but at times it was more akin to plowing than edging. We gained several inches to the sidewalk after edging (a lot of overgrowth).
I have been working and trying to maintain our current household. That includes AWANA ( I help in Cubbies, dance class, homework, chess class, teaching Sunday School and children's church) cleaning, yard work and grocery trips. I don't feel like I'm keeping up at home either-I only have 5 or 6 boxes packed.
Our dryer broke so Frank and I are shamefully behind on laundry. I hope to make a quick jaunt to a laundry mat this evening.
Tomorrow I did take the day off work (it took me awhile to find someone to cover for me) to paint!!!!!!!!!! Frank and his family have patched holes in the walls, taped and primed. I am so excited to have an entire day off from work to work at my new house!!! My mom and dad are coming up on Friday to help paint and then I think Sara and possibly Bill and Katie to help finish up on Saturday. I don't intend to speak out of turn; I'm not sure whose coming to paint for Saturday.
Jewel took pictures of the house (before pics) to show and tell the other day. Today, I brought them to work with me; what fun. Trying to take every opportunity to praise God! give Him to glory for our home.
Frank has worked really hard on the new house. I cautioned him to take a day off, he refused, then got sick. I gloated a little I couldn't help it. It is TERRIFIC he is so on the ball about the new house, but I'm very worried about his health. Esp. with the overtime he was working. It is wonderful to see Frank so excited and working so hard on something for his family; I love it. He has spoiled the kids by letting them pick their own bedroom paint colors; its very cute. G'ma Kris is helping to decorate the rooms.
Last night, Jewel took her friend ( our current neighborgirl) to AWANA. The both had a good time. I hope Phae (pronouned Faye) can continue to come-she has come to Sunday School with us several times too. Pray for this family. I think mom is saved, but I don't think Dad or any of the children are. What a wonderful opportunity to share God's love with this family. We have shared in tangible ways as well, as much as we can.
I started reading Laughing throug the Dark a comedian's journey through depression by Chondra Pierce. (I hope I recalle all of that correctly). It is the most honest dialogue about depression from a Christian survivor that I've ever read. I saw one of Chondra's shows a few years back it was a pretty good show. I recommend it for anyone who has struggled with depression or loves someone who struggles with depression; its so nice to see a Christian not sweep under the carpet a valid struggle.




  • At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We are coming on Saturday! Can't wait to roll up the sleeves and paint and do whatever else!

  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger TRUNNELL NEWS said…

    It is so exciting about your house. On a sad note, I am so sorry about Grandma Rose..she was a VERY neat lady!


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