Praise God!!! Its a done deal; Frankie and I are no longer parkies. We have a lot of work to do at the new house, but we are on our way. We have never ever lived in a house since we've been married just apartments and mobile homes;mostly mobile homes. While I've been very thankful to have a roof over hour heads -a house will be WONDERFUL!!!! Not only is it our 1st home purchase,but we are almost doubling the size of where we live now and we have a fenced in back yard (no kidding), & a double attached garage (we've never had a garage before either!!!). So it will be very tight financially the next two yrs with afterschool care and a few loans we are paying off, but then we should be well on our way :))) I'm just very thankful for the chance to feel like a member of a real community. We live rual route now; so even though there are a few nice kids for Jewel to play with; that's really it. We have tons of rules about what type of plants we can have and a no swing set rule,etc, etc so it will be nice to have a swing set and a clothing line (we can't have one where we live now). Cannon and I have great plans for a garden. We live right around the corner from our wonderful friends Missy and family. We can walk "up town" there is a very small,but nice downtown area. We are pretty close to one park and the post office!!! I have my walking route all mapped out so hopefully we can get moved in before the junky winter weather arrives. I just can't express how happy we are. I know there will be stresses and extra work with the change, but I would be excited to even move into a larger mobile home- the fact that we have a yard and all the reasons stated above just make it sublime. Someone replied to me,"Well moving into a house will not solve all of your problems". Duh no really? But we are happy and feel very blessed. We can provide Cannon and Jewel with their own rooms, organize based on their needs and personalities, and provide a yard for them to run around in. We have a paved drive way!!!!!!!
I want to extend a sincere thank you to many of you who prayed for us!!!!!!!!! I want to thank our families in advance for all the hands they will lend us and skills they will teach us.
I want to extend a sincere thank you to many of you who prayed for us!!!!!!!!! I want to thank our families in advance for all the hands they will lend us and skills they will teach us.
At 11:23 AM,
WOO HOO! This is pretty exciting news! I knew you were in process so I am thrilled to hear this! You know it was really tight for us with our house in Cedar Falls, but we are still really glad we did it.
I bet the kids are SOOO excited about their own rooms.
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