
Friday, December 28, 2007

I don't have any Christmas pics yet (demerits for me), but we did get the tree up and decorated before Christmas Eve (barely), but YEAH for us!!!!.
I got the guys a "surprise" gift. They both really love the Jones sodas, but we rarely splurge due to the expense of this brand (although they are slightly better nutritionally than regular pop because they have no corn syrup but regular cane sugar). Jewel and I found a Hannukah pack with limited available flavors-letke, jelly doughnut, etc. Hastings only had 2 sets left; what a SCORE we thought; surprise gifts for the boys. Cannon saw it before I even got it wrapped, but swore he wouldn't let any of the surprise slip to Frank. Frank helped me move the gifts because they were heavy. So... Frank figured it out when he helped me move them (he informed me there was a Jones T'giving special set too, but I didn't see it). He responded, "Well since I don't drink alcohol and I could hear bottles clinking and Cannon had a matching box.." So much for Jewel's and I surprise.

My mother-in-law is feeling better so that is huge relief and answer to prayer. I was sick over Christmas with a sinus infection; on meds now. The kids and I did get peanut clusters and almond bark cookies and pretzels made, but that was it. We did crush up p'mint cand ycanes which we sprinkled on a few of the vanilla almond covered pretzels; pretty good. We got goofy towards the end and poured the peanut cluster mix over marshmallows. No sugar cookies or adventures in fudge making this year. We do have high hopes of making homemade Chex mix for New Year's Eve.

I received the 1978 made for T.V. version of Little Women- the BEST of any ever. Frank was so good to track this present down for me. I also got a jewelry box and the 3rd season of Reba. Frank bought me a velour jumpsuit even though he hates them. When I opened the jumpsuit Cannon some how thought it was slinky pamajas because he groaned, "Yuck, oh brother for Christmas something from Victoria Secret". Now-its an actual jumpsuit-what I wear to clean the house is more revealing than the jump suit. How does he even know about Victoria Secret (post children I'm too cheap to shop there)? So the rest of the night that was the joke about my jump suit from Victoria Secret- oh la la.

Frankie got extended versions of two of the Lord of the Rings (they were used, but he didn't care), a computer game, the Jones set, pajama pants decorated with the Dr. Pepper logo and cordial cherries. I can't even correctly recall what the kids received from us right now- I think-Cannon got Eragon the movie, Garfield the cartoon season 3, a Celtic music C.D. pack and some computer games. Jewel got Hannah Montana DVD's and the soundtrack for Hairspray, and some fancy bathing items. We really had fun celebrating Christmas in our 1st house; the kitchen counter was perfect for laying out supplies while making C'mas goodies.

We had a good time celebrating with both sides of our families as well. My favorite gift the Kris and Frank (my in-laws) gave me was I Love Lucy season 3 !!!!!!!! Jewel and I were and are joyous. I noted we all got season 3 of this and that-funny b/c we don't have season 1 or 2 for most of those, but that's how it shook down; we are having fun watching our new presents. Last night, lots of laughter escaped the living room while the kids watched Garfield.

The night before C'mas Eve Jewel and I were out shopping and scored The Pajama Game on dvd for only 5 bucks!!! We really enjoyed that flick. Jewel wouldn't mind owning that sound track ,but she will have to wait. She is a HUGE music fan- like Auntie Sara.



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