
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm going back to panicking. Cannon was sick.. I tried to wait it out before taking him to the Dr. or really worrying.. treating it as a bad cold. then the asthma really kicked in. Still doubting my instinct I finally called my mom on Tuesday a.m. She said, "Whoa he should not be taking his rescue inhaler that much without relief besides it speeds up the users heart". Hum.. good thought mom. I scheduled an appt. The Dr. was pretty upset b/c I did not have Cannon use his other inhaler with the rescue inhaler (which honestly I had totally forgotten abt b/c his asthma is only intermittent so we didn't even have a current refill of the 1st inhaler in the house). Also, Cannon's breathing was pretty rattly. He was on the verge of bronchitis and his asthma was bad-so he is now on an antibiotic, another inhaler, and an oral steroid for his asthma. The dr even clapped his hand down on the table and emphasized to me, "It doesn't matter if you think its just a cold, or he ran too fast-whenever he coughs give him both of his inhalers-don't wait". So I guess that means I'm back to being vigilant abt his asthma-so easy to let it slide b/c of his other health probl and b/c one of his other specialist told me his inhalers could cause mood swings so we've avoided them; not any more.

From now on I'm going back to "panicking" I'm seem to get into less trouble with the drs that way. Cannon has missed 3 days of school; he will try to go tomorrow. He is not quite back up to himself yet ,but hopefully soon. Does anyone remember the February that Addy was in the hospital and Cannon stepped on the belt prong and then drug it through his foot? That January my New Year's resolution was to worry abt medical things less and "let things go"? Well, I made Cannon wait 30 min before taking him to the E.R-applying pressure and watching him, but I thought it was a puncture wound, not a puncture drag wound. He needed several stitches and almost nicked a tendon.

anyway.. I sat with Cannon and watched part of Water Horse. Tonight, we plan to finish viewing it neither of us thought we would like it but so far its pretty cute-a diff version of E.T. but Cannon knows nothing of E.T. so for him its good.

Jewel woke up at 2:30 with a sore ear and tons of sneezing. I'm hoping its her hayfever and not what Cannon has b/c I didn't take any full days off when Cannon was sick, but enough my boss would not be happy if I had to stay home again. Benadryl seemed to do the trick. I'm also very tired and have a major headache so we are skipping AWANA tonight.

I also got Planet Earth which I thought Frank said he wanted to watch, but he didn't act like it last night; he was probably just tired.

Frank has a big event this weekend so the kids and I will soldier on without him. I have a conference to go to for my autoimmune disorder Sat a.m. and into the early afternoon so my mother-in-law is wonderful to watch my kids. Saturday night and Sunday I have nothing big planned but hope to think of something fun for the kids and I. Psst don't tell Frank, but we really miss him when he's gone. esp b/c he works everyother weekend his weekends off are really special.

I learned a few more computer tricks today. always joyous to learn those. a few on Word and a few on Excel.

that's all I know.



  • At 5:35 AM, Blogger TRUNNELL NEWS said…

    Hope everyone gets to feeling better! No fun in APril!

  • At 4:55 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Have had a similar year with Morgan. One thing after another. Hate to hear the doctors yelling at you. I know they'd go off the deep end with me. We go to the chiropractor and nearly nothing else. Every time we go to the MD they have to pull our records out of storage. They act like they're in Florida or something. They are really turning me off and we are getting much more relief from natural healing, so I'll just let them yell!
    Anyway, hope Cannon finds his right medication through it all.
    We just watched Water Horse last night. It's really good. It's the Loch Ness Monster. I learned a little more about history and geography than legend, but they're both there. It's good!


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