Now I'm the brat. When Frank asked what I wanted for Mother's Day. I hesitated, but then finally gave him an honest answer. I hesitated because what I really truly want is something I consider expensive. I've done such a good job sticking to our budget so we are doing okay right now with money,but should be really socking money down on a few of our debts or saving for a newer car b/c Frank's is super close to dying. However.. I asked for an Ipod. I have such varied and weird tastes in music its hard to find a CD that I like even half of the songs. Plus when I walk and want music I carry my CD player in my hands and then need to switch hands when it gets sweaty, etc. I don't know what Frank will decide is best,but I'm kinna excited to see if I get it or not. I thought Ipods cost abt 100 dollars, but a lady I work with said they are closer to 200 bucks. If they are truly 200 bucks-I would feel guilty for the present. Who knows..
that's all.
that's all.
At 1:58 PM,
Unknown said…
Get an Ipod Shuffle. They are like 50 bucks at your local store. It's the smallest one they make, ie holds the least amount of songs, but it'd be a start.
At 1:58 PM,
Unknown said…
Get an Ipod shuffle. They are $50 at your local Wal Mart, Target or Best Buy. It's the smallest one they make, but it should do you just fine.
At 1:23 PM,
Muff has a shuffle and she likes just can't choose which song to play. it just shuffles them, but it really holds quite a few songs.
Jim has a regular and it was doesn't do video and all of that stuff, but he hasn't totally filled it with music (it has 4G of mem) and has been totally happy.
There are options!
At 10:23 AM,
Katie said…
I agree. Ashley has an Ipod and they are running $49 at Walmart. You download your songs to it and then just play. I think you can skip over songs, you just don't have a screen to actually read the song title and scroll through. Hope you get one!
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