
Friday, August 17, 2007

Excited! Sometimes I think I'm a little kid who really didn't grow up:). Happy Anniversary to Katie and Bill!!! Frank and I are celebrating our anniversary by eating at Bennigan's ! This restaurant serves an incredible black bean burger in a Guinness sauce with very thinly chopped, deep-fat fried onions. It is so fabulous!!! that I didn't finish my mashed potatoes or order dessert. For those of you who know me, have ever talked to me or eaten a meal or snack with me my preferences are obvious (back to the not grown up thing:) ). Frank has given me little presents and/or written me notes all week long. I'm overcome by his romantic gestures and so excited for tonight I can hardly focus on my projects here at work.
The house we are trying to buy is coming along very slowly. It didn't pass inspection, but we think things are being worked on-its a weird deal since the house is a repo. Keep praying everyone!!! Hopefully, we will be moved by Christmas. Also pray the mobile home will sell :) Whenever I freak out Frank reminds me its all in God's hand and in God's time; I forget that. My mother-in-law is helping our children decorate their rooms-she might need to start drinking alcohol soon :) Neither of my children have ever lived in an actual house and Jewel has never had her own room so they are jazzed to say the least. I heard rumors of a fabulous surprise from Aunt Sara and Aunt Katie and Uncle Bill so I wonder what they are up to:0

I would like to give a shout-out to Carmen (a.k.a. evil cartoonist-which is an odd moniker considering how sweet this guy is-a dry, sometimes off-color sense of humor yes,but such a good soul). anyhoo.. Carmen have you read Eragon or Eldest? I believe you would enjoy them. Cannon and I fighting for custody of Eldest, but i won b/c Frank bought the book for ME. Cannon checked it out from the library and already read the book-so he can wait until I'm done. It is bad enough Cannon has read Eragon in excess of 4 times and so Frank hasn't had a chance to read it yet.

Cannon has been sick with his asthma and a cold; seems better today.

I tried to walk some quick laps around our street last night, but after 20 minutes the wet air drove me inside. This stupid weather has not only been hot, but the dampness has aggravated my asthma. My inhalers make me more hyper than ususal: junkers. Oh well.

I must actually finish projects now.

Smiles and enjoy the cooler weather.


  • At 3:43 PM, Blogger TRUNNELL NEWS said…

    Happy Anniversary!

  • At 7:46 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I'm sure Frank makes a great hubby! I can truly say he was one of my truest friends and would have gone to the end of the world for any of us. It's so neat that he found you, because I think the world of you, too!! Incredibly sweet and considerate, but taking no flakk!! Love you both and so completely happy that you're making such a wonderful life for yourselves and your family. Congrats on the "almost" house. It took eight months to acquire this house FROM MY GRANDFATHER, and he wasn't the problem!!! Just so much red tape in a normal sale, so hang in there. I hope a foreclosure isn't worse. This was a 30 year old house with no abstract or survey, an old septic tank... THEN the remodel... it was a nightmare. Thought it would be easy since it was a family sale, but no. Not when you involve the government!!
    Anyhoo... good luck and hang in there. It is truly in God's Hands and they are capable ones!!


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