About Me
- Name: gamergeekwife
- Location: Iowa, United States
Mom of two funny,cute children and wife of fabulous gamer geek.
Previous Posts
- Okie. I've already posted several pics from Jewel...
- Jewel and I the weekend of her ballet recital.
- Are this pictures outdate? Almost. I'm only a mo...
- Here is a pic of our little house. Frank and his f...
- I believe the hotmail website is having problems. ...
- A quick blog to share that Grandma Rose has passed...
- Happy Painting! Frankie, G'pa Frank and G'ma Kris...
- For anyone who might wonder-NO I didn't cry, but I...
- Praise God!!! Its a done deal; Frankie and I are ...
At 4:38 PM,
Unknown said…
Just read that Grandma Rose died... I'm so sorry! I've always felt the connection there with us both having the same Grandma!! At least you know where your Grandma Rose is now. I still have some work cut out on mine. Sorry I've been away so long. Having a really hard time juggling everything, but I am thinking of you!!
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