
Monday, January 28, 2008

Bill and Frankie with the traditional "weird" gifts. Frankie got bill a Turkey something or other and Bill got Frank a 3 hour DVD of yule logs burning. The family members use to cast votes as to who "won" the contest, but we've kinnda gotten away from that the past few years. I think Frank won this year, but thats just me.

Okie I'm trying to blog at work while on break so I think I'm trying to go too fast. I didn't even get captions under the kids' pics. Oh well, better than not at all I think.

This is Jewel baby with her Sparkie 2nd year ribbon. She is working on book #3 now-which is the correct book for her age group. We are still getting caught up from the year she had her tonsils and adenoids out so we missed several AWANAS plus Cannon was sick a lot that year and Frank worked nights (so I took them or they didn't get to go). She is doing very well for starting out the year being "behind". (Note my lil "hippie" took her hair ribbon out during game time so now her hair is all over the place).

Jewel and Cannon using our new "perfect baking counter" to make Christmas treats. We made tons of almond bark covered pretzels and Ritz cookies with peanut butter in the middle. The first comment I made when we toured our new house was "oh what a perfect counter for making Christmas cookies". Well, due to my sinus infection the week of Christmas we didn't make as much as I'd planned or even as much as we typical do, but the kids had fun with what we did make. This is my favorite Christmas picture from 2007.


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