
Friday, May 16, 2008

I GOT IT!!! Yesterday, when I got home from work Frank presented me with my Shuffle Ipod. We only have dial up at home so it took over 9hours to download the needed program so I had to wait until this a.m. to dowload any tunes. It was taking abt 20-30 min per song download also so I only started 3 song downloads. These last two years, Cannon needed to use the internet for science so we might try to budget in DSL. Both Cannon and I are not patient people so with us both using the internet we might "go for it"!. I also got an Itunes gift card worth 25 bucks!!! I was joyous.

Today, at work was crazy busy (the H.R. manager has been gone so I've being performing double duty), but I also feel a productive day. I made errors on 2 deposits last week, but today figured out a way to solve a problem so my boss told me I'd done a really good job-I feel I'm balanced now with my errors and good job.

Tomorrow, I have my allergy shot, Jewel has recital pics-full costume, cleaning, errands and in the afternoon I'm suppose to go help my aunt with her kids while my dad and uncle re-roof their house. My cousin, Ashley, had surgery today in Mason City.

Sunday I have my procedure prep (yuck) and both kids all day since Frank works. Monday is my special procedure day :) tee hee. I will see a specialist this time who promises to put me "more out of it". Last time I was numbed, but fully awake-no fun when biopsies are being performed. Oh well, enough whining. Frankie will be there to take care of me and he is always SUPER awesome about handling these situations because he knows I hate them and would rather just ignore the entire situation.

Tonight, Jewel and I are going to my friend's Pampered Chef party. I don't plan on ordering anything, but just helping with her girls during the party. They live within walking distance so it should be no big deal.

Oh time to close up the office, pick up supper and get the tyke.



  • At 6:41 PM, Blogger TRUNNELL NEWS said…

    COngrats on the gift. I must confess that I gave up several things to help our budget but the internet I could not! I am ADDICTED!


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