
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm not sure how to relay my story; this type of thing has not happened to me in a very long time. A group of co-workers (all of whom I know fairly well and 3 of whom I have worked with in excess of 10 years) stood in the hall way joking about the end of the world. One of the gals, I know her best friend is a born-again Christian who is very alive in sharing his faith, but I wasn't sure of her personal belief. 2 of them are pretty solid Catholics and the other is an out spoken atheist; I genuinly like and get along with all of them. One of the girls said, "Oh , but I haven't been saved yet the world can't end" one of the Catholics replied, "Oh well, I'm not sure I'm going to Heaven I guess I'll have a lot of good friends in Hell". Then the originial girl replied, "Oh but my kids will go to Heaven because they are little" then all 3 laughed and continued to talk.
I walked past them and said, "I don't think that something to joke about". One of the girls signed and rolled her eyes. I said, "Hey if you don't want me to comment don't talk about it so loud I can hear you because you know I'll comment" (they were in the hallway right by my desk).
In past years, I beat people over the head by preaching to them all the time. Not always in a loving way - after a divorce happened in our family- I realized I needed to re-group and witness with my life more. I've been good about obeying the "10 Baptist golden rules" but tending to argue with Frank a lot, worry too much, etc. I know I've done tons better with my attitude and behavior due to conviction over loosing chaces to witness to this beloved former family member and lots of prayer. I talk quite a bit still abt how my faith holds me during our trials with Cannon's medical issues, etc. But don't come right out with Bible verses very often. I hope my life and the choices I make will be my witness.
The conversation today upset me so very much. I care abt these people and their immortal souls very very much.
That's all I said. If the Lord were to return tomorrow, could I say I've done my very best with my life? This questions gnaws at me.



  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    It gnaws at us all. That's what keeps us doing His work... not to EARN salvation, but to THANK Him for it!
    Press on, girl!! They'll know!!


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