
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Sorry its been so long since I blogged. We've been very busy at work and my children have been sick again (repeatedly) with a stomach bug.
Just wanted to say I woke up and started having one of those days, but I just kept repeating to myself, "Jesus loves me" that was the only thing that would make me smile.
Cannon did VERY well during his 40 min. MRI yesterday; hopefully we'll soon have the results and if anything atypical is found it will be easily cured/fixed. Probably nothing atypical will be found, but IF... Jewel, Cannon and I have continued our quest of watching old tv shows on dvd; last night we watched the Brady Bunch episodes where they go to the Grand Canyon, get locked in the ghost town, Ciny and Bobby get lost, meet the Native American boy who runs away, etc. CLASSIC television I tell ya. We also rented Who's the Boss-not as good as I remembered so we may not even finish watching the disc. Frank took a couple nights off from work so hopefully we will see him tonight (he likes to go to SCA on Wednesdays). I had a very basic understanding of Excel, but am teaching myself more- its been more fun than frustrating so far so hopefully... I quess I could ya know- read a book on Excel or directions, but nah for now I want to learn on my own. Tee hee we'll see.
The marital open house was fun for everyone I think- the brownies were good, the people were friendly, David and Jeanette looked good (go neon toenails! they rock) and Jewel and Cannon loved playing with David's nieces and nephews so I feel pretty good about that. I had prayed about it a lot and feel God was good and blessed it. I'm so excited for the wedding, but trying to not think about it too much- because then I will get overly excited or anxious, etc. But the dresses are beautiful the music and food sound perfect I'm just so pleased for both of them- they've worked very hard to make the day beautiful for everyone and deserve a good time.
RHUBARB! We are on a rhubarb kick at our house. Frank has made several batches of rhubarb crisp and I chose rhubarb crisp for my treat when Michelle took me out for my birthday (we even walked the trail from "the old days")-some of the most fun I'v had in FOREVER. I miss walking the trail with Michelle every day-we'd put the kids in the Burly cart and away we'd go-severl miles every day. I would look forward to those walks every day. We each just had one child so they both fit in the cart. Going for walks every day with a good friend and out in the weather (good or bad) was like super-charged Prozac for my soul.
More later...



  • At 7:00 PM, Blogger Rob said…

    Using Excel on a daily basis at work(though we're switching over to Access for a lot of stuff) I'll tell you it's much easier to just play around and learn it than try to read how it's used.

  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Thank you for the advice because I'm not very computer literate so I wondered if I could pull it off or not. A lot of people here at my office have been talking about Access, but I've no working knowledge of it. How are ya Rob? I hope you are doing well. Smiles!


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