
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wow! I'm blogging two days in a row, do I get a sticker or something??? The nurse just called to inform me there are no "focal areas of abnormality" on C-man's MRI so YEAH Praise God! He simply has bad migraines, and must be naturally "uncoordinated" (he gets that from me) and a little off balance (he gets that from me too-tee hee). He continues taking his meds, his new PRN med and track them migraines. We'll see the doctor again in 2 months.
I have been very blessed this week to see "old" friends. God must have known I was feeling melancholy. My good friend Bridget, whose hubby was transferred to South Carolina 18 mos ago, was in church Sunday A.M. and then her children (who were friends with my children) Jewel and I went out to eat-a good time was had by all (except poor Cannon who had to stay at home due to illness). Then today, my former mentor and boss and now friend, Kim, who husband took a job in Minnesota (haven't seen her in 3.5 years!) brought her 2 youngest children for a visit to the office and we had a pot luck! I miss her SO much she is an amazing person and a terrific mentor for me. I haden't met her two youngest children yet.
Frank and I started watching the new Pink Panther movie- very good. A few inneudoes, but not too many. I don't think I'm spelling inneudo correctly.
Oopps! I'd better finish up working. Sara-you need to blog! Girly girl.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for Cannon.


  • At 7:31 PM, Blogger Rob said…

    Just so you know...


    Also, I am boycotting Pink Panther. As much as I like Steve Martin...The Inspector is the late great Peter Sellers.

  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…


    Honey thanks for the spelling lesson; see I thought I was spelling it incorrectly, but couldn't recall at that moment. Anyhoo... Oh Robbie I'm sorry you will miss out on a funny fart scene, but the farting scenes in The Man are terriffic.
    Thanks for checkin in (I need to read your blog because I'm behind schedule) Sorry!


  • At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You get no sticker for blogging two days in a row, because it's been over a WEEK, and you haven't blogged since. :-) What am I supposed to read in my spare time?



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