
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Don't feel the best today so I might skip helping at AWANA. Anyway... Bill and Katie left to go get Alex today! I'm so happy for them and us it makes me cry when I think about it. They should get to keep him with them starting tonight or tomorrow while they finish the final paperwork and court hearing. They have guardianship of him now just not full parental rights.
Okie. I hope you all are doing well. My little Jewel got 100% on her spelling test and that is with her forgetting to bring the list home so we could practice. She is enjoying school and doing very well so far so I'm very pleased. Please don't take this wrong, but sometimes its hard for me to see Jewel's academic abilibity with Cannon being so gifted (a stubborn stinker mind you), but gifted. They did some reading aptitude tests on Jewel and she did very well and I was surprised; which makes me wonder if I give her enough encouragment and credit regarding her studies. So I'm going to try. Typically she takes her time and does quality work.
More later!



  • At 8:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I have the same thing here, in reverse. My first is totally gifted in math. Only in fourth grade and already "gets" algebra and geometry. But she can't read worth a darn. It is really picking up now, but mainly because her baby brother, now 6, is reading up a storm. He did everything there was to do in Sparks last year with 2 weeks left over to help me in Cubbies. The middle guy is pretty well rounded, but could care less. Dope. I loved school, hated recess. What a waste of time. If I turn my back on him for a minute he either has a pencil sticking in the ceiling or he's in the sandbox. But his work's done and pretty much all correct. All in their own time, but yes, encouragement is the key!!


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