
Saturday, September 16, 2006

I'm an aunt again!!!!!
First before I share my excitment I must share the exciting news of Jewel getting her first book ribbon in Sparks (she missed some nights last year due to her episodes of strep throat so she was a little behind on reciting verses). So she completed the Skipper book; now she already recited 2 sections from the Hiker book. YEAH! She was very anxious to show Frank her blue ribbon and then put that ribbon on her wall.
Okie. This morning my brother, Ryan's wife delivered a little boy who is named Henry James. James is the middle name of my dad and my dad's middle name was the name of his dad's only brother. So we are all very excited. Henry came into this world just under 9 pounds (eck! he wasn't truly due to be born until the 26th so he would have been a BIG boy) and 20 inches long. He has tuffs of wheat colored hair. Mary and Henry are tired, but doing well. The kids and I are going to make a quick jaunt home tomorrow to see the baby; we are very excited. Thank you God for another safe, precious, healthy delivery of a baby into our family. May he grow up to know and love the Lord Jesus as his Saviour.
And.... keep praying. because (drum roll please)... Frank's brother, Bill and his wife Kate will leave in about one week to go get baby Alex !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jewel had her friend Jordyn for a sleep over last night. They only stayed up until 11 P.M. and were up at 7:30 ish so that wasn't too bad. They were both VERY well behaved (we have a few other sleep overs ,bu this was the best they'd behaved). It was even fun for me-Jordyn brought Akeelah and the Bee to watch; which i wouldn't have rented b/c we already watched the spelling bee documentary, but it was actually a cute flick. This A.M. we looked around the farmer's market and purchased some fruit and bread, went to the library and got a book C-man had on hold and a book for Jewel and some videos for me (I'm still finishing the last book I checked out. Not memoirs of a geisha, but an actual memoir ,"Geisha, A Life" by Mineko Iwasaki-very informative and interesting I highly recommend it) and went to Mc Donalds for lunch (but I stuck to my diet and got a yogurt fruit smoothie from a downtown cafe). Were were wholesome and American or what? Okay, I let the kids have leftover Pizza Hut pizza for breakfast instead of whole wheat cinnamon toast like I usually make so maybe we are not so wholesome after all :)
Cannon did get a migraine last night and it was a moderate one so I had fun cleaning up after him-enough said; those of you that know how his migraines go will make the inference.
I did exercise this morning and got errands ran,but so far no scrapbooking which was my goal for this weekend.
If anyone is looking for a phenomenal book about prayer Stormie Omartian has wowed me once again with her book, "The Prayer that Changes Everything" . I've even gone to highlighting sections and re-reading sections. I started noting passages that really hit home for me by dog earring the pages, but after noticing that every or every other page 3 chapters into the book were all dogearred I decided I might remedy the situation by reading it again.
Hum... a book about a geisha and a book about prayer in the same blog entry; I wonder if that a first?
Okay I didn't eat enough today so now I have a headache and my ears were fuzzy before so I'm gonna drink a ton of water and eat some more.
I'm sure this topic will be as thrilled and my diet and exercise regimen, but I stuck to our budget amazing well this past week ( I did not do it happily I will tell you, but successfully).
Oh and please continue praying for my friend Julie (she is my age) who has 3 small children and is fighting breast cancer. she is almost done with chemo, but the dr still doesn't think she will live long. I think the cancer has gone to her bones. Also, for Michelle's mom who is also fighting breast cancer and had her 2nd surgery in 2 weeks. Her daughter gets married in less than one month so I would like for her to be feeling good by then and beat this cancer! into oblivion.
Smiles and God's enduring love to you all,


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