
Friday, September 01, 2006

Jump starting my exercise routine. tee hee I'm trying to be clever, but its probably really not clever. I bought myself a jump rope! and jumped and jumped last night until my heart was pounding and then walked around between sets of jumping rope. I also did my super abs tape. Did I get my dishes washed? Nope. But jumping rope seemed to lift my mood. I did clean the bathroom; just not the dishes.
We have some really fun things planned for this weekend so I hope they all work out as well as they are planned in my brain.
Sara-tell Ellen than Michelle Hudnall Beard has over taken her as the blogging champion!
Oh Oh. my brother and his wife's baby is technically not due to be born until the 26th of Sept, but her doctor told her "any day now" on Monday. So I may be an aunt again very soon. Cool. We have no idea what the baby's gender will be so I haven't been able to get anything for #3. Also I haven't seen Mary but twice the entrie pregnancy so it seems a little surreal to me. I just don't spend enough time with my family. It seems like after work and our basic chores and activities we are all really worn out and the time is gone.
Smiles all,


  • At 5:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hey, tell me where you find a jump rope for girls our height! I've been looking. Ok, you've also got me going. I have a 7 pound hula hoop that I used to use for 10 min every morning. It's not like you can lose a sucker like that... I know exactly where I hid it... but I suppose I can start that again if we can do this together... heehee
    Ok, what's the blogging champion and what did I do??

  • At 3:28 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Your blogging frequency has been very high! so you win! Ellen use to blog every day or every other day, but she's been slacking so you've taken over her champion spot. Can you believe it? Wal-Mart carries adult jump ropes in this "super something" size. I'm not quite as tall as you, but close so I was "very thrilled" to quote Junie B.Jones to find a tall jump rope. Wow so tell me about this 7 lb hula hoop thing sounds quirky enough for me. I did so well about exercising this weekend, but also ate cheese cake and coffee cake-junkers. The calories were worth it for dessert that good; now I just must be good.


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