
Friday, November 03, 2006

I hurt my back at work so no Avon sign on for me. Junkers. Jeanette was really cool about understanding me having to cancel. the occ med Dr. said I have a lumbar strain; hum never had one of those before quess I'm getting old. anyhoo.. got me some cool new meds, rest, heat or cold, by Monday should be good as new.
Its not a bad strain, but I'm starting to feel it.


  • At 12:51 PM, Blogger TRUNNELL NEWS said…

    So sorry to hear about your back. It is always something isn't it???

  • At 4:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hey there! Long time no post, then I have three to catch up! So sorry to hear about your back. I have a slipped disc, so mine goes out frequently. I like the cold first, then 20 min with nothing, then a little heat for a little while. The warm feels really nice, but as soon as I get up, everything seizes up, so it leaves a lasting impression that I don't really like heat that much!!
    Oh, don't worry about the Avon... I'll live... but hurry! I'm out of eyeliner and using some crappy Maybelline junk. I can use the word crappy on your blog, can't I?

  • At 9:53 AM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Michelle: you are too cute! I hope to sign up for Avon soon. Wow a slipped disc; girlie that sounds like no fun at all. I use the word crappy probably more than necessary; its a fine word some days. tee hee.

    Yes I agree! I'm feeling old this fall-first my sinus infection and now my back-my house is not as clean as I like and I couldn't even go walking this weekend and it was GORGEOUS outside. I can probably speed walk now but the physical therapist told me to take it slow. No weight lifting for at least a week-I'm gonna balloon out I can feel it happening. Thanks for responding to my blog Miss Ellen!


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