
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Okay, so I really don't feel sorry for what I blogged about the situation with my former pastor, but in hind site I could have been more generous in spirit. He was someone I really really admired and loved. He didn't just have an affair on his wife, he left her and didn't pay child support for a time period (he currently does), and some other very nasty, cruel things he did that I would never have imagined he would do. It is terribly difficult to reconcile the man I thought I knew with the way he is living now. Such a wonderful person that I wish everyone could have known, but he is not that person anymore. There is so much more to this than can be described. Burton Avenue was my family; for me there has never been a community of people who I collectively loved more. He was a really big part of that for me. I still have contact with Candy and the choices he made have made extreme negative impacts on her, but I know God will work it out for His glory. I hate it when people I love get divorced its a wicked rupture of life. I hate it. I hate it even more when the pain is so intense for one of the people and he/she still loves the other person while the other person selfishly moves on and pretends it "just happend". I hate seeing people I love suffer.


  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Jenn, it hurts to know someone can hurt an entire church so deeply and then not even regret what he's done to his family, let alone his flock. I'm no longer in a GARB church either, but I also don't think they are what they used to be. Legalism has taken over what used to be shepherding.
    Anyhoo... I'll be praying for your healing and hope you and especially your girlfriends remember this is a man that harmed, not God.
    Love you!

  • At 10:26 AM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Thank you Michelle the Builder; I think you hit the nail right on the head. I know I think I've forgiven him and then something comes up again and I still feel anger. Would I go out of my way to hurt him? No. Do I pray good things for him? Yes, so I think I've forgiven him. I don't know, maybe I need to develop a greater level of forgiveness.

    Love to you


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