
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Work has been crazy busy-end of month stuff and end of year projects. How did you all spend your Thanksgiving?? Frank and I spent Wednesday night and Thursday cleaning up after every parents favorite illness-you guessed it "the stomach flu". Jewel ran a lovely 101.7 fever and got sick, Cannon had the decency to just get sick and not run a fever. This is how sick she was-she laid on the couch sleeping for over 12 hours- no singing or dancing-nothing; scary huh?
The kids and I did get to go home Friday afternoon, but had to stay away from my nieces and nephews b/c Jewel had not been fever free for 24hours when we 1st arrived and after that everyone was pretty much just scared of the germs that could have been carrying-except my parents and durable Uncle Kurt. Jewel was still pretty tired, slept a lot, and watched tons of Disney channel (so she was delighted).
We did get to celebrate Thanksgiving and birthdays at Bill and Katies on Sunday which I was so thankful for-that way my kids still got to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was the 1st family gathering that I can ever recall minus G'ma Rose so it felt weird. The kids had tons of fun eating and playing with their cousins. Katie's mom sent a raspberry pie she'd made from scratch; oh MY! It was so......... DIVINE! That girl can whoop it up in the pie department.
I need to finish a project before I go home and we have AWANA tonight. I haven't even made Christmas list for my kids presents yet how bad am I? We also have no decorations up for Christmas; no not one.
Frank's mom's 60th b-day is this week- I have so many ideas of things I want and intend to do, but never seem to complete.
I officially got made my 1st Avon sale today!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited; I've never sold products before.
If any of you get a chance; watch Lake House I LOVED IT! My friend Missy made me take a break and watch it with her; I'm so thankful.


  • At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Woohoo! Your first Avon sale! How cool is THAT?!

    We went to my cousin's for Thanksgiving, but other than that didn't do much.

    Guess what? We can be lunch buddies once in awhile next semester! I'm going to be teaching at ISU! Yeah!


  • At 6:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Oh, yes, the Lake House is on my Christmas list! It was so good one of my girlfriends got her hair cut just like Sandra's!
    Hurry and find my email!! I'm out of eyeliner!!

  • At 12:14 AM, Blogger Rob said…

    I saw Santa with Muscles when it first came out. My brother was a huge Hulk Hogan fan as a kid so I saw a lot of stuff that he was in. It was ok for a kids movie.


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