
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

8 Below-a touching tale based on a true story (these are typically my favs-almost always if it's based on a true story I'll not only watch it, but love it and tell anyone who will listen about it-except creepy true stories). Cannon was a supportive soul and stayed up until midnight on Monday watching it with me. Now I want to know more about the dogs and the master.
Also watched the last episode of Pepper Dennis on WB b/c CW is not picking this show up which is stupid if you ask me and Jewel 'cuz we really liked the show. Even though Jewel and I had decided to boycott Rebecca Romani (however her name is spelled) because she divorced our beloved John Stamos (from Full House days), but after watching the show just once we were hooked-not only was the pilot episode good ,but it just kept getting better! There are too many stupid shows that CW picked up and then dropped Pepper. However, our beloved Reba will continue so I'm pleased. Did anyone hear news on what will occur with 7th Heaven-which characters will stay,etc.? John Stamos is slated to be on ER this fall-so I'll be tunning in for that.
Hum.. having stabbing pain in my back on and off today-I'm getting old I think. It hurts a lot when its there, but then it goes away quickly.
Watched the fireworks with Wilds-a lot of fun. Kids did sparklers and rolled down the hill. Miss safety me was on high alert all evening until I let my guard down and then Maddy fell, but I think she is okay.
On schedule for this evening-dishes, lots of them and I hope exercising.


  • At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A divorced John Stamos is good for me!!! Thought Superman was great. Saw An Inconvient Truth, about global warming, interesting. As for comfort food, Taco Pizza, Salsa and chips, and good old little debby snack cakes. See ya sometime!!

  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Oh Little Debby snack cakes-a staple at the Peterson household. I remember them so well. When I worked at the grocery store in high school I would have a diet Pepsi and a LIttle Debby for supper. tee hee. I'm scheduled to see Devil Wears Prada on Monday night. YEAH!!!!!!
    thanks for commenting


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