
Monday, July 03, 2006

The fam and I went to see Superman Returns yesterday. Jewel, Cannon and I LOVED it! while Frank (being the comic book purist he is ) liked all of it except on aspect which he insisted on focusing on :)-grumpy old man. However, after some reflection and IMing his buds he was in a stellar mood the remainder of the evening. Let me just say again; I LOVED Superman Returns. I was so pumped for X-3, but actually liked Superman more-then again as Frank always says, "The key to life is low expectations".
Bought some zucchini bread (for Jewel), pumpkin bread (for Cannon) and rhubarb bread (for Frank) at the farmer's market on Saturday. We've been going on Saturdays for a couple of weeks now and Cannon is addicted to the pumpkin bread; I'm so excited there is something half way good for him that he eats-I keep buying it. I hope to make banana bread this week; I have my Mom's good recipe and have managed to only mess it up once several times of making it.
Our plans for the 4th of July. Cleaning, exercising (me), i HOPE to complete or start a scrapbook page and maybe if the kids are shining examples of Puritan children we will go to the parade at 11ish and if they continue to be good- to Wild's that evening to watch fireworks and eat S'Mores.
Frank and I spoiled ourselves this weekend. We did carry out for a newer restaurant called Buckets (Italian and what not)-we loved and not very spendy at all. I didn't care for the bread though- it was called sweet cheese bread and too sweet for me(when I want sweet I do , but when I don't). Frank went out with his friends (looser he missed the sleepover fun). I loved the spaghetti (I know and its not even Barilla pasta) and the Caesar salad was DIVINE! The kids had Maddy for a sleepover Friday night-they seemed to have a lot of fun. We watched Dharma and Greg re-runs and ate popcorn with Parmeasan cheese. The kids love Madison and fight over "whose turn is it to play with her?". I also got a long walk in on Friday so that was terrific. I am amazed by lightening bugs and the corn field next to our house is a vacation home for these bugs I think because they congregate there. One night I even got the kids out of bed to come and look at the field. Mad, Cannon, Jewel and I watched them again on Friday night. A lady at work was telling a chilling tale of how she and her son fed lighting bugs to his tadpoles and frogs- I had to leave it grossed me out. Every creature should be vegetarian if you ask me-eating flesh YUCK!
So funny thing-on Sunday (me A.M., Jewel mid-afternoon and Frank late a'noon) we all had headaches except Cannon which is a blessing but also a little ironic! I think mine was sinuses with the change in weather and Jewel's was mild dehydration and lack of sleep from too much partying with G'ma Kris. (thank you Kris by the way. It's always Frank that wants date night, but Saturday I asked him if we could go out 'cuz I needed it so last minute Kris took the kids and Frank and I went to Outback Steakhouse- very good blooming onion and salad-they serve this tangy tomato dressing that is to die for (thanks Sara-she told me about the dressing). I read a fluff Christian romance novel (thanks for telling me about these Katie) we came home and relaxed. I planned on some down alone time Sunday A.M., but then ended up with the headache-oh that's what I get for skipping church, hug? Another lady and I are switching turns and the month of July is hers. In 2 weeks we plan on going to Adventurland for our family vacation (tickets courtesy of Barilla-thank you)! I only get excited about A'denturland every other year, but that's okay 'cuz we only get tickets every other year. The kids are JAZZED about A'land so hopefully it will go well.
Frank suckered me into watching Battlestar Gallatica the miniseries- I only watched about 40 min. before falling asleep, but I was getting hooked that's for sure. I didn't like it as much as Firefly. Do you all see what's happening to me? Frank is slowly turning me into a sci-fi geek. He will never VENTURE and watch genre that I watch, but I will some of his shows/movies and then I get hooked.
I decided i like my job today-one of my friends- Shirley Girl or "high society" as I call her (its a country club story) brought a mini S'Mores maker and made S'Mores at lunch time. I love my job. I'm completely gonzo for S'Mores.
I did drop material off to the new Sun.School teacher yesterday and picked up a bullentin while there. I've decided our new pastor really knows what he's doing- lots of good ideas in the bullentin. So far, I'm very impressed with he and his wife.
Okay, its a really slow day here at work , but I do have things I could do. I'm also hoping to go see Devil Wears Prada -highly recom. by my sis-in-law.
Why have none of you answered the food question of what foods do you eat to bring you comfort? What foods do you crave when your mood is down or you are sick?


  • At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My list of comfort foods is way too long to print. I like it all!! Here is a short list: roast beef, carrots, potato & gravy. Chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup. When I'm sick, hmm, it depends. Oyster crackers and Ginger Ale, I guess.


  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Super thanks for responding. Hum.. I've never heard roast beef, but I've heard carrots and I myself find the creamy, whippy texture of potatoes very comforting. Good call. Also yes to choc. ice cream.


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