I feel like I should narrate the wedding in short spurts. Today I will blog about the cake which was my fav. thing about the recepton although Jewel will argue it should be the chocolate fountain. My mother (who bakes A LOT and has herself,been paid to make cakes for weddings and parties) always told me the mark of a good baker is one who makes a white cake that is moist and has flavor; just about anyone can make a chocolate cake moist, but those that can bake a white cake thoroughly and keep it moist and flavorful knows what they are doing. I had a piece of cho. cake and a piece of white cake (but I had no meat and only thing from the cho. fountain). The cho. cake was super good esp. the frosting-good buttermilk texture and vanilla flavor without being overpowering. Now the true test-the white cake. it was DIVINE! It was moist, but light and the creamy texture of the frosting was perfect. I still couldn't eat all of it, but I tried.
My top two at the wedding were the flowers and the music. David sang a solo to Jeanette- very sincere and well done. I believe he wrote the song too. It was just very very good and I don't know how she did not cry listening to it. Matt, one of the groomsman sang, (I think it's titled, Our Father?)- oh my... I did my best not to cry-he did a superb!! job. Truly- the song was a perfect fit for his voice or maybe he's just that good. That boy can SANG (no I didn't mean to type sing- when its really good I say SANG). I got to carry white roses with some other flowers (sorry Mom I don't know what they were)-wonderfully fragrant and beautiful color and nicely arranged. My Mom commented on how nice and down to earthJeanette was and how friendly her sister Diane was. Well duh, would I be friends with meanies??? Tee hee. That was nice of my Mom and Dad to come help with the kids and get to meet everyone.
Okay. I'd intended to type out the DSM Reg. list of 100 things to eat in Iowa before you die list, but I gotta get back to work.
Happy Hooneymooing to Jeanette and David- the wedding was elegant (but not stuffy) and beautiful.
My top two at the wedding were the flowers and the music. David sang a solo to Jeanette- very sincere and well done. I believe he wrote the song too. It was just very very good and I don't know how she did not cry listening to it. Matt, one of the groomsman sang, (I think it's titled, Our Father?)- oh my... I did my best not to cry-he did a superb!! job. Truly- the song was a perfect fit for his voice or maybe he's just that good. That boy can SANG (no I didn't mean to type sing- when its really good I say SANG). I got to carry white roses with some other flowers (sorry Mom I don't know what they were)-wonderfully fragrant and beautiful color and nicely arranged. My Mom commented on how nice and down to earthJeanette was and how friendly her sister Diane was. Well duh, would I be friends with meanies??? Tee hee. That was nice of my Mom and Dad to come help with the kids and get to meet everyone.
Okay. I'd intended to type out the DSM Reg. list of 100 things to eat in Iowa before you die list, but I gotta get back to work.
Happy Hooneymooing to Jeanette and David- the wedding was elegant (but not stuffy) and beautiful.
At 6:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glad you liked the wedding, Jennifer! Quick question: How many of you reading this can say that you spent your honeymoon, in part, with Florence from the Jefferson's????? Well, we can! Pictures when we get home...Marla Gibbs ("Florence") is now a jazz singer. We went to her CD signing today and to her show tonight (a mere $15 to see the show)! Well, more later!!!!! (PS - if your mom thinks I'm down to earth, she'd really like Marla Gibbs. Very, very common for a "star.") :-)
At 1:32 PM,
gamergeekwife said…
Oh WOW! I'm so excited for you both. I LOVED the Jefferson and esp. Marla Gibbs-she was also in "227: during the 80's. You are too cute checking in on my blog during your honeymoon. Where does that term originate anyway???
At 8:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Origin of the word honeymoon:
At 2:52 PM,
gamergeekwife said…
Cool! I'm going to that site now.
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