
Monday, July 31, 2006

Yesterday was probably one of the best days of my life. We were on time to church! Then I exercised in the afternoon, scrapbooked with Jewel (a new thing we do together; which makes it easier to complete since she is not "needing me" during that time and she inherited her dad's eye for putting objects so they are pleasing to the eye), read some of the new book Frank bought me, did some light house cleaning and ate ice cream!!!! The book is #2 in the latest Beverly Lewis's line. The Englischer-spelled in Penn. Dutch I think.

I got 3 scrapbook pages completed and another started. Does this sound like much? No, but I'm to the point where I typically was only getting to scrap book about 2 times a year and then only getting 3 pages done and I scrapped about 4 months ago. Frank allowed Jewel and I to commandeer the kitchen table so we can leave most of our supplies out and we have been grouping pictures together in zip lock baggies with papers we think we might use with them. I intended to start this process a long time ago, but usually my supplies have to put crammed together in a Rubbermaid container so being allowed to leave them out even for 4 or so days has been FABULOUS! Jewel has such a natural eye.

My friend, Missy, and I watched the new Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly- I give it a 2 thumbs up. Not only is it brillantly filmed with good use of imagery, angles and lighting, but I really bought into the characters and I found none of the language to be offensive or any sexual offensive scenes. It did take me awhile to buy into the characters, but once I did I was hooked, even though I knew as Frank says, "The good guy wins".

Cannon has had 2 migraines since Friday where he even experienced stomach upset; so let's hope he is not on a new cycle with these; I'm hoping it's just the heat and humidity. I myself have had to take my inhalers on a regular basis. The only way I could breathe without struggling was by sitting up on the couch; it will end soon I know so not a big deal. Again, this gives me appreciation for people who struggle with their health on a regular basis.

The quote I will share with you all today is, "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." Barbara Johnson.

Please share with me your list of favorite books!




  • At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Jennifer -
    Did you know the Pennsylvania Dutch are not, in fact, Dutch? They are German. I learned this on our trip to Pennsylvania earlier this month! When the Penn Dutch arrived from Germany, the folks in the "new world" could not pronounce "Deutsch," so they just said "Dutch." Now you can be on Jeopardy!

    My favorite books are celebrity autobiographies or biographies. One of my favorites was "I'm the one that I want" by Margaret Cho. She led a hard life, made many mistakes, and learned her lessons. She's a celebrity with common, ordinary roots. Her comedy is a little "blue," but I appreciate where she's been and what she's gone through. Right now, I've veered from my normal genre of (auto)biographies and am reading Janet Evanovich's "Visions of Sugar Plums." It's a crazy story, but just what I need after a full day of grading papers!


  • At 10:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Good to see you blogging again, and good to hear Jewel is up and feeling great! Congrats on the pages!! A little goes a long way!

    I have to get lunch and get back out to the house. The windows are in but I forgot my camera, so I'll have to do my blogging tonight!

    Love ya!

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Actually, I did know that, but only because I've read 6 of Beverly Lewis's books and she describes a little history of "The People" in her books. Beverly herself grew up on Pennsylvania next to an Amish community and her aunt was a Mennonite (a group not Amish ,but sharing some common customs etc.). But it is weird b/c the words the Amish use are not truly German words either (I only speak a little, but I could tell the words were a tad different). The history behind "The People" is very interesting. Oh I would LOVE to visit Pennsylvania again-I've only been once and it was on a missions trip to I was limited to where I could go and what I could do.

    THANKS! You for your book list. Autobiographies are also my favorite genre of books, but lately I too hav felt I needed a little respite and Christian fiction has hit the spot for now, but I like to switch things up a little bit.

    Thanks again for bloggin with me!



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