
Monday, July 17, 2006

The kids and I made smoothies yesterday; they turned out pretty well. It is so HOT outside we may skip supper and just make smoothies again (we use 100% juice and low-fat yogurt to make them so they're not that bad for us). Jewel is anxious/excited about her tonsiladenoidectomy. Every day she inquires "How many days, did you buy me my push-pops yet?" I need to get back to work since I'll be gone 3 days this week I want to be ahead of schedule when I leave. I spent part of this morning training someone to replace me the end of this week. For the 5th time in 10 years I'm trying to grow my bangs out; just wait as soon as I finally (if I don't give in and cut them AGAIN) having bangs will come back in vogue. Going to try to do dishes and lift weights tonight. Tee hee, aren't I boring?


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