
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I'm very tired and very grumpy today so I won't blog much. We have school orientations tonight for both children so our night is pretty much pre-scheduled for us. Tomorrow there is no kids club so the kids and I will be home together-we have a lab appt. for Cannon along with other errands to run, but we need to try to do something fun.
In a weird "the world is small" story. My aunt Joanie gave a baby girl away cir. 1970's in Waterloo. Later on, my aunt searched for years for her daughter. With her adopted mom's blessing my cousin went to her file at the adoption agency and found that my aunt had left medical information there for her and contact info. about herself. So... about 6 years ago we got to met Tammy (I never thought I would get to met her; there is a lot more to the story as you can imagine, but this is the summary). Tammy is great! She owns her own beauty shop in Omaha is married and has beautiful twin girls. (I got to meet the twins this past weekend). My grandparents lived in Nebraska for a very short time in the late 70's (they moved there after living in Waterloo). My uncle met/married a local gal where they have lived happily ever after, but in Lincoln not Omaha (okay well pretty much. Their daughter is the cousin of mine who got married this past weekend in Omaha). Another brother met a local gal and stayed in that area also. At the wedding I found out my uncle's wife's sister (she has 4 sisters) had been having Tammy cut her hair for years! and even took a present/met the twins right after they were born.. Meanwhile, we had been searching for Tammy all along. Nancy's sister was freaked when Nancy called to tell her the "missing daughter" lived right there in Omaha and what her name was. In a weirder twist, when my aunt Joanie was married to her 1st husband she lived for a brief period of time in Omaha and Nancy's sister had babysat my cousins (but at that time Tammy was being raised by her adoptive parents in Denison). anyway.... isn't it a small world?


  • At 6:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    So school starts soon? What a nice thought. Sometimes I wonder why I homeschool when I could send them all off and have some sanity, or even a job... oh, well.
    It is nice to live in such a small world. It's also fun to run into people in places where you really think you shouldn't see them. So glad you caught up with Tammy. What a blessing.

  • At 1:57 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Yes, see I dread school starting because then our schedule gets so busy at nights we hardly have time for night time reading, etc. I've so enjoyed not having dance, wrestling or AWANAS to run to, and not having to check backpacks and homework every night. The kids and I love staying up until 10 sometimes 10:30 watching old T.V. shows on DVD and then reading or staying up talking. We did that all summer and even let run around outside with me to watch the lighting bugs. Jewel and I also scrapped several times this summer. Sometimes I feel like I don't really get to see them during the school year, but I know that's not true and we still have weekends to enjoy at least I don't have to work every weekend like my friend does (she works 30 during the week and another 15- 20 during the week). You have a job; you nut! Several you are building a house, working at the bakery, and raising 3 children. How is that not having a job? During the summer after we subtract the cost of day care; it hardly pays for me to work, but this should be the last summer Cannon is in day care full time so then it will all pan out for us. The kids really enjoy the activities they are in so I don't want to tell them no, besides they are in the least number of activities of any children I know in their age groups (minus one family I quess).
    Yes, finding Tammy has been so wonderful; as you stated a true blessing. My aunt looked for her for years and we always prayed she was okay and had a good life; she'd had an awesome life her parents are wonderful. Now she has 3 families, she and her husband's, her parents and ours!


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