
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

So the Dr. put me on Prednisone to give my immune system "a boost" I'm also staying well hydrated drinking lots of tea in addditon to water b/c tea is suppose to contain natural anti-inflammatories. Prednisone can also cause moodiness and weight gain, but the Dr. said my weight gain shouldn't be severe 'cuz I'm only on it for a short time frame. Now my size 8's fit just fine and I would like to stay in them so I will cut back the calories a little bit more, but it's been hard to really push the exercise when breathing on it's own has been a challenge.

My parents had Jewel and Cannon for 5 days last week so although they were home sick when we got them on Friday all my kids have talked about it, "Grandma cooked this and grandma baked this and we got to help and when can we make this and that". Well my mom is cooker! She loves to cook and bake and she is good at it. Me? not so much. There are a few things I make and make very well (Sara I borrowed your quote), but I'm not like my Mom. I did get an excellent mac and cheese recipe from my boss today (its an Emeril recipe) so I'm giving mac and cheese another try; if this doesn't turn out; I'm going to physically cry.

So.. Jewel saw on the T.V. that Raven will be at the fair on the 20th of August. She is a HUGE Cheetah girl and Raven fan so jumped up and down in the living room, but I'm not sure we can go that day and I don't know about this.. I would love to make one of Jewel's dreams come true so we will see what can be worked out.

So.. are any other parent's dreading the Fall? I am b/c then school, home work and all the other activities start again. I feel like we rush from one thing to the next and my children aren't really involved in that much. Maybe getting the dishwasher fixed will clear up some time, but I will miss Cannon's and I's little talks. I wash, he dried and puts some away the shelves he can't reach we put away together. He tends to really open up then and talk to me. Who would have every thought a broken dish washer would be such a blessing? God knows what's he's doing I say.

My brother-in-law and his wife are back from Guatemala from visiting their son Alex-who should be "officially" there's soon (not soon enough for us, but I need to remember God has a plan). There was a snafou with the paper work in June that their lawyer just now notified them of, but it has been remedied so he soon should be theirs. So if ya pray- please add this to your list.

Thank you to Michelle B. and Jeanette for commenting on my blog the other day. Jeanette, did I sound snotty in my response? I didn't mean to,but when I reviewed it I thought, 'Oh that sounds not quite how I meant it". So sorry if it sounded weird.

Cannon had really bad leg cramps in the middle of the night last night and he leg actually shook. Probably just growing pains, but I don't remember Jewel's leg shaking with hers. I recommended Cannon intake a lot of sodium, potassium, milk and water today to see if it clears up. Cannon has gained 5 lbs.! YEAH so maybe his body is growing also.

So I gave my niece, Amber, a few scrapbook supplies for Christmas (she is very crafty and can do anything she puts her mind to. She's only 8, but she crochets, plays piano, draws, and scrapbooks. She asked for scrapping supplies for her birthday which I must confess put a huge smile on my face. I'm hoping she, Jewel and I can get together to scrap book soon. Her sis Ashley might also enjoy this, but I'm not sure. I've alread envisioned the three of us at a table with stickers, supplies, fun music playing in the background, and snacks close by. Aren't I a goomba? Maybe the week Frank is gone she could come over. Note to self- email Katie.


Have a blessed day!



  • At 5:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Woohoo... another scrapper is born!! Line 'em up Jennifer!!! And don't forget the snacks. Size 8 or no, you must keep up your strength while cropping!

  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…


    You are too cute! I love having these great young minds surrounding me; I still waiting for some of it to rub off on me!

  • At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really wish the people from the power company would quit messing with the power lines outside my house. Thanks to them, this is the second time I've tried to leave a comment on your blog. (And, thanks to them, I had to grade the same paper three times today).

    Anyway - no, your response was not snotty. I asked if you knew about the Penn Dutch, and you simply responded. Thanks for your concern, though! :-)

    Now - quit blogging so much! I just can't keep up!



  • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Rob said…

    But it's WoW spam. The best kind!!!


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