
Monday, August 14, 2006

Laura Ingalls Wilder, Burr Oak, IA. Quess where I got to go this weekend??? Tee hee; that's right. My mother-in-law is the best! Since Frank was gone on his vacations she took me and the kids to see her family in Decorah and then surprised me my taking me to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Burr Oak (appr. 10 miles from Decorah). It was the best!! It is the smallest of all the Laura museums, but there were seveal items Laura actually owned, letters she'd returned to fans and we got to see the actual room where Laura slept with her family while she lived in Burr Oak. It was just fantastic; I've always wanted to go there!!!!!!!!!! I bought a t-shirt, a couple of books and a flier. Cannon hummed the Little House T.V. show theme song as we drove up to the museum. It was simply fabulous.
Also, because my mom-in-law and her sis are troupers they let me check one of the Register's "100 Places" off my list. We all ate at Mabe's Pizza for lunch. I had a personal veggie with sauerkraut on the side (that way it was still cool and crunchy and I could add as much or as little as I wanted); again fabulous. Probably one of the best pizzas I've ever tasted and I ususally don't like thin crust pizza, but this was really tasty. It was also nice to see Kris's sister, Nancy. I haven't seen her in about 9 years. Jewel was fascinated to meet her grandma's sister; it was pretty cute. Nan is a quilter and later when we went back to her house she showed us her latest creations and fabric she's bought; Jewel oohhed and awwed. I also got a pic of Kris's mom's headstone; which I've desperately wanted for a long time.
Okay the phone is ringing off the hook.. more later.



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