
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Weird day that seems to be getting better.. Difficult time falling asleep last night; which was weird b/c I was really tired. Felt junky this A.M., but better now. I'm also a little bummy right now, but really trying to push myself out of the fog. I even asked for prayer from my prayer group this morning, b/c I don't want to whine, but I've just struggled this last month or so.. Sorry if my blogs seem down.
When we picked Jewel up from school she had a large scrape on her hip(actual large section of skin missing) and two scrapes on her wrist. The story goes... a group of boys from her class were chasing she and Alexandria at recess. Jewel tripped on her own shoes (yes she is my child- but the shoes are a tad big) and fell onto the sidewalk. Okay she skidded down the sidewalk would be a more apt description. This morning we put antibiotic ointment on them and then I covered the sores best I could,but I did not have a large bandage like the school nurse had so I improvised.
I did get a happy phone call that Michelle's mom came through breast cancer surgery pretty well. Thanks for the prayers everyone. The mass was at least an inch and had "fingers"-(sorry I forgot the medical term for them), but appeared to be isolated to her breast and a little bit of her pectoral muscle which the surgeon did have to remove-appeared to be no lymp node involvment. Her dad is in recovery from prostrate cancer so this family could use continued prayers; they are both younger than my parents so I don't expect them to get sick already.
We hope to take the kids to Adventurland very soon. We got free tickets from Barilla for the 4 of us and we didn't do anything as a family for vacation all summer. Even though the kids and I enjoyed a great trip to Decorah and Burr Oak (yeah just finished reading the biography of L.I.Wilder I bought there), and the trip to Omaha for Elizabeth's wedding and the trip to Omaha Zoo and Frank got his trip to Indiana for geekfest we haven't done anything as a family, not even a trip to the swimming pool or the movies. So I 'm really hoping ti works out for us.


  • At 8:45 PM, Blogger Rob said…

    phalanges are the medical term for fingers and toes!

  • At 3:03 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Yes dear, but I mean the attachments that stretch out from a cancerous growth- I'll check on it.

  • At 5:24 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Sure wish I'd know you all came to the Omaha Zoo... we would have met you there! We went 4 or 5 times this summer and hope to go again soon!

  • At 10:39 AM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    I forgot you lived so close to the Zoo. Well, I was with my parents my dad is very, "see what your'e going to see and get going". I promised Cannon we would go back sometime with Frank (he is still working every other weekend and maintains his sleep schedule even on weekends he's off otherwise his body gets all messed up. so it's difficult to really go anywhere or do anything, but he tries very much to wake up around 1 p.m. on hs weekends off so he can see us. Sometimes he's up by noon but then tired again later. It is a really good job just weird hours!!!!! That would have been so fun to met you- my parents went much faster than Cannon would have preferred, but my mom was exhausted (her diabetes was acting up). Anyway... Do you know any good restaurants in Omaha? I love trying new restaurants! We coudl meet- it's a date. Maybe this coming Spring?

  • At 5:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Absolutely! My aunt is a zoo sponsor and could easily get a number of you in free... at least one adult and the kids. She knows EVERY restaurant in Omaha! We could also pick up Buz and Laura and the girls... and then there's Rick and Heather and Michael and Michel... ooooo, we're on to something here...

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Oh Oh Michelle! Yes, let's convince Frank (who hates to drive and hates to travel) that we MUST have a CBC gathering. Oh that would be TOO super! Can we Can we??? Spring of 2007-How do we contac the other? A selection of times in our Christmas letters? Oh What'cha think?


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