
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A reminder of a blessing. A co-worker of mine had a baby die in December and is now pregnant again and experiencing difficulties again. This reminded me of some of my complications with Cannon (placenta abruptia the primary and many other small complications),but then as I was talking about it I realized how readily I forget the blessing God gave me with Cannon. I hemorraged large amounts of placenta while pregnant with Cannon-so the Drs were unsure how much oxygen and nutrients Cannon was receiving and they (yes plural) warned me he would probably not be o.k. if he survived the pregnancy. Cannon was born with an Apgar 1 min. score of 9 and a 3 min. score of 10 (10 being the highest). I am so blessed to be a mom and that both of my children are okay. I forget that sometimes even in the field I work in.



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