
Friday, December 08, 2006

Sick kiddies. My poor dear children. Cannon had a "dream " day planned- a bowling field trip in the A.M., early out school day then he got to meet with his mentor, a pre-med student from I.S.U. that plays games with Cannon, talks with him about geeky things, etc. Cannon got a headache Tues. night, but it wasn't a migraine so I figured he was just tired. Well, Wednesday A.M. he squeaked, "Mom, my throat really hurts". Even though his tonsils and adenoids have been removed he often breaths through his mouth as he sleeps-so I figured he needed a drink,etc. he would then feel better. Nope. Cannon, "Mom it hurts to even try to swallow". I felt his glands-HUGE, took temp. yes running one. Into the Dr.- a bad case of strep throat- The Dr even had me look at this throat which was gross and cool at the same time- a bloody red mass it was it looked like. Then. around 6:30 P.M. Jewel complained her hurt to void-tons of cranberry juice and water by 8:30 P.M. there are "bees in there mom"-Frank got home from S.C.A. practice and took Jewel to E.R. b/c there was no way I could miss work again and the poor dear was almost in tears. Lab confirmed bladder infection on meds. What did I do the rest of Wednesday you ask? Bleached and washed-we found evidence of mice in our home for the 1st time in 7 years. I have most of our utensils already stored in the drawers in Rubbermaids, but not everything. We never had mice at this place yet, so I was very bummed. I am a huge germ freak. I bought more containers while picking up Cannon's meds at Hy-Vee so I didn't even get to be lazy at all -another vacation day spent cleaning and with sick kids-well at least I have days to take at all; I am very thankful for that.

I have Christmas lists started for Frank, Cannon and Jewel does that count as progress? I also found the Christmas cards I bought on clearance last year, but I haven't written the letter yet.

Work is picking up. Better go.

Smiles to you all!


  • At 6:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    So you should have Marilyn Meberg over to help you clean. I heard she passed out latex gloves to her friends when they went to visit a sick friend in the hospital. Talk about germ freaks. I keep hoping that if I keep my house dirty and germy enough, my kids will be able to ward off anything!!!

  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger Rob said…

    "the answer, she come back to me" is from the Marx brothers. In almost every movie, there is a scene where Chico is trying to convince Groucho to do something. Usually in Chico's speech, he'll say how he asked himself some question or another. He then always gives the response of "the answer, she came back to me." I usually laugh everytime. Grammar is funny to me. That's all it means.


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