
Friday, January 19, 2007

Hey all! I've been sick with another viral sinus thing that is leading to a sinus infection the Dr said so I've been majorly under the weather. I also had hives (a level 2 reaction to Penicillin-see at least i'm learning stuff). Frank was wonderful-genuinely wonderful. He made supper, got a bath with Aveeno all set up for me, brought me my meds-I just couldn't believe how fatigued I was. The sore throat is already better today and my hives are considerably reduced. I'm hoping the Dr will consent to try allergy shots or something soon. I'm on Prednisone, Benadryl and if not 100% better in 2 days another antibiotic. I'm having immune suppression issues, but the dr said I'm allergic to so many different things and my sinuses have damaged tissue so its difficult to fight off normal viruses. Frank and I are really brainstorming b/c it gets hard on my family. I could hardly move i was that fatigued. Anyway... I eat very healthy so maybe I'll try a junk food diet!
We have Frank's work's Christmas party this weekend so I hope I continue to improve. I've looked forward to time alone with him which we haven't had in a very, very long time (Kris is taking the kids). Frank even arranged for the kids and I to go swimming Saturday afternoon. Cannon is very pumped about this as we haven't really done many "fun" things lately due to our budget and me being sick. My friend, Missy, was wonderful and even took the kids to AWANA Wed. night.
Sorry I don't mean to talk about my health issues so much but I just wanted everyone to know why I've been so terrible about e-mailing and returning phone calls.
Sara- I will officially converse with Jewel this weekend regarding a b-day event for her. sorry I know its been almost a week and I haven't called you back. I started getting sick already last Sunday and slept most of the day.
Sorry-Gotta get some work stuff done.

P.S. For those of you that collect stamps (like Cannon and I) some really cool ones came out-Hershey's kisses ones. I did score some of them today at the post office. If any of you feel like and remember please save any cool or original cancelled stamps from your mail for Cannon.


  • At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was excited to see the Hershey's stamps, too, especially after our trip there this summer. You'll have to tell Cannon that the street lights in Hershey, PA are in the shape of kisses, too. I would show the book to him, but I never got to buy the book. I guess I told you all about the rainstorm and getting chased out of the giftshop, huh? Other than THAT, our trip to Hershey was fun! And Milton Hershey sounded like a man ahead of his time.


  • At 2:21 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    OH shucks-it looks like David and you will have to make a return trip so you can purchase a book. I will tell Cannon; that is very neat. I would love to someday go or esp. take my chocoholic sister there.


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