
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mystery of Sara's caller. Katie and Ellen- Ladies we have been going about the Sara mystery all wrong. What we need to do is bribe Tyler. Think about it; Tyler spends a great deal of time with Sara so I'm certain he knows the scoop. Personally, I think shes got something going on with that "friend" David or whoever she ran into.
Ah Sara How do ya hate Valentine's Day? Its all about chocolate! Besides its an excuse to tell all of the cute children in our family we love them.
My mom use to make us heart shaped mini cakes; myself and my 3 siblings we each got our own. Dad would buy us a small box of chocolates. And a few years we even got stuffed animals. One year my Mom made the famous (okay famous to our family) heart pillows. I digress.
Katie- I dunno. I know we can't on the 10th of Feb. Maybe the same time we celebrate G'ma Rose? I don't want to take away from her special b-day though.

Jewel and I's thoughts on Tyra being "fat". I think its ridiculous. She looks great! She is a beautiful, confident, successful business woman who GASP eats a real meal once in awhile. The weight chart I received from my drs office shows her weight is in the normal zone. Ever since the movie"Life Size" Jewel has been a Tyra fan (which is so funny we HAD to rent the movie b/c of Lindsay Lohan). I'll admit Jewel is the only reason I ever pay attention to Tyra, but I've come to appreciate her style and her shows. Hum... Donald Trump appears to have a pouch and then some.. no questions about his weight? Okie.. I've laundry to get started and its definitely too cold to go anywhere but very layered.

PS Jewel informed me she "likes" her name, but would rather have been named Cynthia-not Cindy she clairified, but Cynthia. I like Cynthia, but Jewel would have been Allegra or Daphne or Madeline. Hum.. I dunna know. I think Frank and I are too funky to have a dau. named Madeline, but I sure like the name.


  • At 6:55 AM, Blogger Sara said…

    Sorry, you are wrong on both accounts. While Tyler and I are close, he's knows nothing. Second, it's not my friend Darrian that I ran into. He's married with 4 kids. He's a fantastic, amazing guy,but sorry. So to make things easier for you old married ladies, I'm not going to say anything anymore. As for Valentines day, I'm not a huge chocolate fan, so that doesn't help. Also, I hate the name Cynthia. I'm sooo glad you didnt' name Jewel that. YIKES!!

  • At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jenn- I am glad that you are on the trail. I'm sure that somehow we can discover what deep dark secrets that Sara is keeping from the world. :)

  • At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Of course, do we really want to know what dark deep secrets Sara may could be an ugly road you two ladies are choosing to travel.

  • At 3:00 PM, Blogger Sara said…

    finally, someone is on my side, even if just a little.

  • At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Allegra? You'd have named your daughter after an allergy medication????? I'm glad "Jewel" won out! :-)



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