
Friday, January 26, 2007

Waldenbook store no more.. So much to Cannon's chagrin the Waldenbook store closed at our local mall. While Jewel has a myraid of "reasons" to beg and plead to navigate the mall, Cannon really only cared about the mall due to an electronics store, Waldenbook store, and the dollar theatre if there was a flick there he wanted to see. Our local mall is going down hill.. a few years ago the management raised the kiosk rent so high the candy people even left. So I hope the m'ment there realized what they are doing; we live close to the mall so the kids and I will pop in and out for small things, but the book store was a HUGE part of that for our family. Cannon's true passion is reading so we could usually bribe him with a quick trip through Waldenbooks if we had other errands to run at the mall. So all of you locals-give me your thoughts, but I'm afriad North Grand is dying... so much for the "new" Buckey man killing downtown and North Grand with his "new" mall;they are committing suicide if you ask me.

So...... Frank (he had the night off Hallejuah!!!), Cannon and I entered Waldenbook store for the last time this past Tuesday (the closed their doors on Wednesday) evening. The selection was fairly picked over, but with 75% off bargain books and 40% all ALL other books we started to look around. Pretty soon Frank whizzes past me and shouts over his shoulder, "Do they have baskets here?" I replied affirmative by the front door. He grabbed a basket and headed to the back of the store where Cannon was located- I knew then that we were in trouble. So we look and look. I create a division of books, "Those I feel I must have" "Those I would like to have". and those someone I know or love must have. Pretty soon (too soon if you ask any of us) the employees started turning the lights off. Jewel stated, "Oh is it time to leave already?" In a panicked voice Cannon said, "Yes, Dad quickly grab what we have so we can check out before they close". Jewel, "Wait just one more I want to look for". Cannon, "No, before they close go dad go". (I'm not kidding this was the conversation). I had a few books I couldn't decide on.. (always the budgeter you know) Frank took them from my hand, pointed to the check out and said, "Go". So then we chatted with the manager, Paul, for a little bit about what had happened, what would happen, (he did secure a job at Borders here in town so that is cool) and told him we would miss him. So it is affirmed we are not "clothing people" or "house, jewelry or furniture people", but we are "book" people (and food people too I think,but usually we can find good food at good prices and we've been TONS and TONS better about not going out to eat. So here it is we are "book" people. We would love to be "travel" people, but that will have to wait and might never happen, but hey we will read about traveling... We had such a good time and came away with a good feeling our budget is well.. let's not discuss that this blog or ever.

We had a wonderful, wonderful time swimming last Saturday. Frankie had a terrific plan. Cannon decided he will have a whirlpool someday. I posed the question to him and Jewel that if they thought we had a whirlpool would it become so common to them they would loose apprecition for it-Jewel paused and said, "No". Cannon was certain, "No way, I could sit in this for hours every day". The Barilla Christmas party was nice-the food wasn't nearly as good this year and the entertainment was.... (drum roll for Cannon please) an Elvis impersonator. Now as far as Elvis impersonators go I think he was top dollar (but it was my 1st experience so what do I know?); just not our cup of tea. The older gal that her hubby is a mucky muck at Barilla they scheduled the guy to perform and she was shocked we weren't staying past the 3rd song, "Don't you think he's good, so good. Doesn't it really sound like Elvis? He isn't lip syncying". So.. (spoiled employee that her hubby is) I sweetly explained to her my husband works 12 hour nights and he'd just worked the previous night and he only got 4 hours of sleep due to the kids waking him up and then he had to get ready for the dinner :). I said it nicely, but I thought get your head out of your butt you spoiled, office spouse. (this man words M-F straight 8 hour shifts and no weekends-while Frankie words nights, has to stay late very often, comes in for meetings on his days off and works every other weekend).
I wasn't the best date b/c I was still under the weather, but I sure tried:) I got as dolled up as I can get and was friendly to everyone I saw.
Frank took me out for a FABULOUS breakfast buffett at Olde Maine (another of his grand ideas-ya know I hope Frank and I continue to get along so well after he switches back to days b/c now I'm usually just so thankful to see him I think he's wonderful! (we won a g.card to a gas station so we splurged on brunch). It was SOOOOOO tasty-good selection, fresh selection, even good coffee.
I felt really badly when we went to pick up the kids b/c my mother-in-law looked very tired and worn out-she was having sinus issues also. So I hope she got a chance to rest and recover and I'm esp. glad we picked the kids up early. I wish she would have told us she felt junky we could have been there even sooner.



  • At 6:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No! Waldenbooks closed?! I go to the mall every once in awhile, but usually not any farther than Jimmy John's, so I miss out on all the other stuff! Goodwill and Salvation Army sometimes have a good selection of used books. In a college town, you can almost guarantee there'll be great books at the second-hand stores! Every once in awhile, I take a long lunch and browse through Salvation Army.

    I'm sorry for Cannon! How sad to have your favorite haunt disappear! If Perkins ever closes, I'll be able to relate!



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