
Monday, August 28, 2006

Comedy of maladies- so Saturday was the 1st Sat. in 4 Saturdays we've all been home together as a family. So what happens? I wake up running a fever with a slight headache. Jewel woke up and then went back to sleep (which I originally thought nothing of until she woke up 2 hours later crying) eyes watering terribly stammering her right eye hurt (and a small sore throat-no fever) and Frank hurt his back on Friday night. So.. our big day of going to a movie, tee hee, didn't happen. Jewel's eye continued t0 hurt (she even went back to her room again and didn't want to watch T.V. with me in the living room -so you know the girl is sick b/c Raven is on Saturday mornings) ended up giving her Motrin and after another nap she was good to go. Frank sat on a heating pad until 6 P.M. is and then felt a little better. My fever broke after taking a Tylenol/Motrin cocktail and other than being tired (very tired) I felt fine. Cannon-was in good shape all day. I did get dishes washed and dried (Cannon was outside playing nicely with a few of the neighbor boys so I didn't make him come in to help me), mowed the lawn and got some errands ran so that felt good. I did take the kids to see Cars at the dollar theatre; which Cannon really liked (Jewel had seen it with her friends), but enjoyed it the 2nd time. Cannon did not giggle during Cars like he did during Barn Yard so it wasn't to that level, but he still really enjoyed it and after buying school supplies we are broke so I'm glad there were good flicks at the dollar theatre.
So I'm feeling better about fall, but the true test is next week when dance and AWANA start for the year. So far.. so good. (Jewel has already lost a library book- the 1st she checked out this year).



  • At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Why am I not surprised that Jewel has lost a book already? That kid is something else, quite entertaining. Sounds like there is good progress with Alex. He's getting closer. See ya sometime, I hope!!


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