
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Well, I got the kids off to school this morning. I was a tad stressed so moving/talking at nearly the speed of light-sorry Frank. Frank was really tired and grumpy so we collided. Sorry dear.
I just thought of something nice about school starting-now the afterschool program is open late and I can stay and work late; which is great b/c so much goes on during the day I can focus and get a lot done after 5 P.M. when most of my office mates go home.
Jewel and I got into a disagreement about clothes during school shopping (imagine that). We did mostly agree on today's outfit I hated the shirt, but loved the skort, etc. I only bought them two new outfits for school b/c experience has taught me both children love to have growth spurts right about late September/October so now I wait to buy jeans, longer shirts and pants. Jewel was miffed, but she'll get over it.
My friend's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer; we just found out last night so please pray for healing for Marina.
I am closely following the JonBenet case to see if this guy really murdered her; I'm usually not drawn to cases like these, but this one gets to me.
Did anyone else see the story that came over the wire today of the girl who was kidnapped at age 10 years and now it is believed by her family she's been found? It is a case that occurred in Australia I think? I hope its her and she can receive counseling. She has both parents and a half-sister who are still alive. Anyhoo..
I hope this week is going well for everyone. I'm trying so hard to hold onto my faith when I worry about things. I pray A LOT and cannot comprehend how people who do not believe in God and Jesus keep their chins up.


  • At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Jennifer -
    I, too, am keeping up with the JonBenet case, out of morbid curiosity if nothing else. The poor little girl deserves to rest in peace; I hope the media lets her do that sooner or later. Working from home affords me the opportunity to tune into all these ridiculous cable tv news shows. I watch Don Imus real early in the a.m. (before my morning nap). Then I boycott tv for most of the day until after my afternoon nap. Then I watch the news again as I teach my online classes. Working from home is great, but I need to start setting an alarm clock!!! It is hard to resist the temptation to sleep all the time!!!


  • At 7:29 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    JonBenet hits really close to us. Right after Christmas that year, we went out to Colorado to see Michael's mom. Of course, there was nothing else on the news the whole time we were there.
    I've heard that her mom received news before she died of a really strong lead that police were sure would lead to an arrest. I hope she died with a little peace. Hope she didn't hear many of the details.
    Hug your kids, ladies. They're God's, not ours. Here for a moment to be loved and taught to love.
    Love you Jenn...

  • At 12:12 PM, Blogger gamergeekwife said…

    Oh Michelle you made me cry. You are such a sweet dear lady. Well, yes I do think of her family often; they were so targeted; talk about kicking someone when they are down.
    Jeanette: Good to know. I will contact you regarding updates for local/national news b/c the only time I read a paper or see internet updates is here at work. Anything stressful at all that Cannon sees/hears on the T.V. just "gets him going" with worrying and trying to solve all these problems. Someday I hope he does, but for now his little emotions spill over the space God create for them and he gets to worrying instead of trusting. Okay, quit laughing I tend to react the same way, but not to the same magnitude Cannon does.
    Enjoy the day!


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