
Monday, March 19, 2007

Hi-de-ho there neighbor! Okay that was cheesy but I just really felt like typing that. We've had sickness at our house again, but it didn't last long and wasn't terrible so its all good.

For our exciting Spring Break-- (drum roll please) I took the kids to the dollar theatre to see Happy Feet. Hum had my hopes up too high;it just wasn't what I thought it would be nor what I felt we "needed" to see at the time. This flick was too intense for Jewel, but Cannon LOVED it. I also thought it drug out a little too long.

Cannon's ashtma is acting up;esp. last night and at school this a.m. (the school called, but I talked them into letting Cannon rest for a bit after he used his rescue inhaler) and he had his 1st migraine in a very long time yesterday a.m.,but it was n't bad as far as his goes. Since I wasn't sure how Cannon's day would go healthwise we stayed home in the a.m. (yes we missed church and I feel badly, but I did my devos) and watched lots of I Love Lucy season 3 (although we haven't seen all of season 2-the rental store only had season 3) and we plan on watching some Green Acres tonight. We all thorougly enjoy Lucy; Frank even laughed a few times whether he meant to or not. Frankie had gaming afternoon/evening so that is when the kids and I went to see Happy Feet.

Frank and I rented Casino Royale. I think my hopes were up too high for this one as well- or maybe I just love Pierce Brosnon too much. Hum....

Jewel and I are saving our pennies for Full House season 6 which comes out a week from tomorrow. This past week Jewel and I read 3 "Little Quack" books; she borrowed them from the book mobile. I must confess the stories or fairly cute, but I enjoy the illustrations the best; a Derek Anderson I belive. We need to go for a book refill; not having the book mobile come due to spring break has cramped our reading selection! (I say this as the kids have 3 shelves of books each-tee hee, but there is just something about a fresh book-do I hear an Amen from my mother-in-law?). Jewel and I challenge each other to grab story books farily at random as we exit the book mobile as we have found these "random" picks are often our favs.

Cannon did an interview and report on Grandma Kris for his social studies class. I would like to give her a copy b/c I think it is a pretty neat little report (not that I'm biased or anything).

Saturday night we (Jewel was dressed in her new St. Patty's day shirt with tons of green adornment)(yes even Frankie-I just LOVE him being on the day shift) spent the evening with Madison's family to celebrate her birthday. The poor kid's b-day is actually in the beginning of March, but then her sister got sick and then I got sick and then Jewel got sick (sound familiar Sara and Katie?) so we finally celebrated Maddy's b-day. It was tons of fun the kids played while Brian and Frankie grilled and Michelle and I cooked (okay I chopped veggies and did clean-up; whom I fooling?). We played with Autumn who is a gorgeous baby!!!

Okie.. enough rambling for now. Is any of this very exciting? Nah, but its what we've been up to.
