
Friday, October 19, 2007

Two more benefits to being a home owner -or living in a house, etc.
We had a blue jay in our yard yesterday morning! major fun for me to watch this pretty bird. (even though i know blue jays can be a pain; we've never had a yard to have pretty birds in before).
I can STOCK UP-when I see a non-perishable item on sale; I have space to store extra items!!!! (my garage,etc).
Better go work is busy.

Michelle Hudnall Beard-Sorry I haven't responded to your condolences re: our G.R. Thank you very much. She has been gone just over a month now,but I try to remember she is much happier in Heaven than here. I will pray for your G.Rose that she might have the same assurances of her after life location. I know you are a wonderful witness to her.

Love to all,

Monday, October 15, 2007

We are no longer Parkies! Yes that is correct; with the able assisstance of our families we moved into our house this weekend. I can not express how wonderful is it to: have more room, have a garage, have a yard (with a swing set- THANKS!!! Uncle Bill, Aunt Katie and Auntie Sara)-for those of you who did not hear Jewel screeching across the globe when she 1st saw said swing set), have more room-oh did I say that already? Anyway.. I was purposely not thinking about it all and God's goodness to us and our families gracious help until Saturday night when "it" hit me and I stood in the kitchen and bawled. I am not so naive to believe that life will be perfect, but being able to organize things will help my mind (and Cannon's too) SO much!! Plus, I took packing as an opportunity to throw, repair and give away several items. "Purging" is refreshing it and of itself.
Better go decide what's for supper, get the ingredients and fix it.