
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Work has been crazy busy-end of month stuff and end of year projects. How did you all spend your Thanksgiving?? Frank and I spent Wednesday night and Thursday cleaning up after every parents favorite illness-you guessed it "the stomach flu". Jewel ran a lovely 101.7 fever and got sick, Cannon had the decency to just get sick and not run a fever. This is how sick she was-she laid on the couch sleeping for over 12 hours- no singing or dancing-nothing; scary huh?
The kids and I did get to go home Friday afternoon, but had to stay away from my nieces and nephews b/c Jewel had not been fever free for 24hours when we 1st arrived and after that everyone was pretty much just scared of the germs that could have been carrying-except my parents and durable Uncle Kurt. Jewel was still pretty tired, slept a lot, and watched tons of Disney channel (so she was delighted).
We did get to celebrate Thanksgiving and birthdays at Bill and Katies on Sunday which I was so thankful for-that way my kids still got to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was the 1st family gathering that I can ever recall minus G'ma Rose so it felt weird. The kids had tons of fun eating and playing with their cousins. Katie's mom sent a raspberry pie she'd made from scratch; oh MY! It was so......... DIVINE! That girl can whoop it up in the pie department.
I need to finish a project before I go home and we have AWANA tonight. I haven't even made Christmas list for my kids presents yet how bad am I? We also have no decorations up for Christmas; no not one.
Frank's mom's 60th b-day is this week- I have so many ideas of things I want and intend to do, but never seem to complete.
I officially got made my 1st Avon sale today!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited; I've never sold products before.
If any of you get a chance; watch Lake House I LOVED IT! My friend Missy made me take a break and watch it with her; I'm so thankful.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

From: Every excuse in the book: 714 Ways to Say 'It's Not My Fault" by Craig Boldmand and Pete Matthews (I think I may need to find/buy/borrow this book and read it in its entirety.

The Silver Lining to the Burning The Bird:

Salmonella won't be a concern
No one will overeat
Everyone will think its Cajun Blackened
Uninvited quests will think twice next year
Your cheese broccoli lima bean casserole will gain newly found appreciation
Pets won't pester you for scraps
The smoke alarm was due for a test
Carving your bird will provide a good cardivascular workout
After dinner the guys can take the bird to the yard and play football
The less turkey Uncle George eats, the less likely he will be to walk around with his pants unbuttoned
You'll get to the dessert quicker
You won't have to face three weeks of turkey sandwiches


Not having to work Thursday and Friday is GREAT; trying to squeeze all the work I would typically do in those two days in the 3 the office is open; not so great. Today so far as gone well as far as small distracting tasks being low and my energy being good. The Dr corrected my thyroid level med and I'm feeling better already. This week Cannon turned 11 years old-last year we did little or next to nothing for his b-day so this year I really tried to go "all out". We celebrated by going to Hickory Park (we told him he could pick ANYWHERE in Des Moines, etc., but he chose Hickory Park b/c he wanted them to sing to him-funny. He also made note of the fact this will be the last time he can order off their kid's menu. His 1st responset to "You can eat anywhere was, "Whats the most expensive place in the area?" (see Sara he is related to you- tee hee just kidding) over the weekend since Frank had to work on Monday. He also got to pick a movie which Jewel and attended with him (Frank opted to sleep-funny man thinks he should sleep once in a while). He chose Flushed Away; not as good as I expected, but as I told Frank "Its not my birthday" We've just been so selective lately trying to conserve funds that we don't go to movies like we use to. Then on Monday he has Madison over and we celebrated with pizza and Cold Stone Creamery cake-which Cannon ate and ate and ate; nah its good for him he lost some of the weight he gained on Drs orders so I was glad to find a calorie laden treat for him (I ended up not being able to make my chocolate chip cheesecake as Cannon requested due to work schedule and stuff going on with grandmas and church).
More later...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Punk Rock Look? Okie, I didn't intend (at all) to have a new punk rock look, but the stylist at Great Clips misunderstood me or was really junky b/c a springy short 'do is what I ended up with. Its just hair you say? It'll grow you say? Well, my hair doesn't grow that quickly and the kids and I were going to my hometown church for its 90th Anniversary celebration; which I was very much looking forward to. I would prefer no holiday pictures this year and I look very junky.

The 90th celebration was wonderful for me. I did not "fit the mold" at my high school for a myriad of reasons, but my entire family was always very involved at Burton and I love and cherish the people there. Most of my family members live far away or are not born again believers so it was difficult for them to "get" my view of life. Burton was it for me. More on that later.

Its busy here at work so I'd better get cracking.
I've also been busy doing church stuff and preparing for Cannon's birthday and a little for T'giving and Christmas.

Smiles to you all!


P.S. announced Mad About You season 3 will be released app. March of 07. It was believed this along with several other Sony shows would not have further season DVD releases. I'm so PUMPED! I'm saving my dollars now.

Friday, November 03, 2006

I hurt my back at work so no Avon sign on for me. Junkers. Jeanette was really cool about understanding me having to cancel. the occ med Dr. said I have a lumbar strain; hum never had one of those before quess I'm getting old. anyhoo.. got me some cool new meds, rest, heat or cold, by Monday should be good as new.
Its not a bad strain, but I'm starting to feel it.

Jewel masquered as an adorable black kitten; although people kept calling her cat woman which upset her at first. At the last minute we decided Cannon wasn't too old to trick or treat so he dressed in a revival role as Zorro (wearing the nifty red-lined cape G'ma Kris made for him last year). Both children were exceptionally well behaved saying lots of please and thank yous and waiting for each other and following our instructions so a good time was had by all. We had a pleasant visit with G'ma Rose as well.
Okie.. I need to work.

Have a sunny weekend!
Let's play the good/bad Mom game ( I play this game in my head every day). Good Mom-finally made pumpkin bars from scratch. Good Mom due to Jewel's love of baking and her insistant "Please" I let Jewel help me even though it took longer to make the bars. Bad mom- the veggie oil had expired. Hum.. need oil for bars. it'll be okay. Smelled oil-hum.. lots of odor I'm not sure that's normal. Called my Mom - a good mom to answer the phone on 1st ring and not laugh as I ask her my question. Toss it Mom informs me vegetable oil should not have a tangy odor. Use melted butter instead of oil Mom suggested. Good Mom-pumpkin bars are good, Bad Mom not as good as usual- a heavier texture; not as fluffy as usual.

Good Mom- heard Cannon calling me for help. Good Mom accesed his sitation-C-man sick. Good Mom-remembered to call school to inform Cannon was home ill. Bad Mom called home at noon to check on him. Took son a long time to answer phone so Bad Mom I assume he is feeling better and playing on computer which he is grounded from or he was in the restroom. Bad mom- Cannon answers with a groggy Hello-the poor child was sleeping and I woke him up. (Frankie is home too, but mostly asleep due to work schedule). I'm hoping its "just" a migraine, but would be weird for him with the stomach ache starting before the headache and the low temp. He is not runnin a fever, but 2 degrees lower than normal which the nurse I wokr with taught me usually indicates a virus. He was also very pale. When I called home at noon his stomach no longer hurt just his head. So...

I have my official Avon sign on tonight (Sorry Michelle I was thinking it was the 1st, but its not until tonight) so I hope I don't have to miss it due to Cannon being sick. Frank doesn't work tonight so hopefully he can stay home with Cannon while I take Jewel to dance class. If Cannon is better by then we were going to go out to supper; which we've been so good about not doing on our budget so I was looking forward to going out.

The Good/Bad mom
Wasn't that fun? I play this game about 100 times in my head each day with each decision I make; its a no wonder I'm nuts.