
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Weird, not happy day. Not a terrible day; just not a groovy day. I miss my boys.
Frustrated at looking for a new church and the only one Frank and I think sounds good to us happens to be the same church Frank's cousin's ex attends-which could lead to complications. I'm very protective of our family and I lost respect for this ex during the split. Frustrated that the washer is broken. Frustrated that the grass had grown so high the lawn mower kept overheating so it took me 2 nights to mow the front & back & side lawns. Went to town to wash laundry-their A.C. broke so Jewel and I got really hot; no real big deal, but fighting a migraine all day long so this did not help. Cute phone call from Sara did help-ah there are days the girl makes me smile.
ah all stupid little things. I promised Jewel we would do something fun tonight, but I'm still trying to wash laundry which means we have to drive back into down to the un A.C.ed laundromat and spend 3.50 per load (highway robbery if you ask me). Never mind me just must be this day.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The trip to K.C. with Kris, Ashley and Jewel was wonderful; those girls are just too cute. My mother-in-law is so good with them and me :) She talked about her mom a little which always makes me sad for her (Kris's mom died when Kris was only 18 yrs old from cancer). She doesn't talk about her mom very much so when she does I try to listen. Its very amazing to me what an amazing mom and grandma she is even though her own mom wasn't there to support her and give her someone to lean on as she navigated the rigors of motherhood and grandmotherhood. I'm not saying this to kiss rear end (Kris doesn't even read any of her family members blogs I don't think) anyway.. I hope everyone else had just as good a time as I did, but I think I talked my mother-in-law's ear off even though I didn't mean too. I hope to have pics ready to post soon. I have a lot of cleaning I need to get done and mowing of the yards!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm not sure how to relay my story; this type of thing has not happened to me in a very long time. A group of co-workers (all of whom I know fairly well and 3 of whom I have worked with in excess of 10 years) stood in the hall way joking about the end of the world. One of the gals, I know her best friend is a born-again Christian who is very alive in sharing his faith, but I wasn't sure of her personal belief. 2 of them are pretty solid Catholics and the other is an out spoken atheist; I genuinly like and get along with all of them. One of the girls said, "Oh , but I haven't been saved yet the world can't end" one of the Catholics replied, "Oh well, I'm not sure I'm going to Heaven I guess I'll have a lot of good friends in Hell". Then the originial girl replied, "Oh but my kids will go to Heaven because they are little" then all 3 laughed and continued to talk.
I walked past them and said, "I don't think that something to joke about". One of the girls signed and rolled her eyes. I said, "Hey if you don't want me to comment don't talk about it so loud I can hear you because you know I'll comment" (they were in the hallway right by my desk).
In past years, I beat people over the head by preaching to them all the time. Not always in a loving way - after a divorce happened in our family- I realized I needed to re-group and witness with my life more. I've been good about obeying the "10 Baptist golden rules" but tending to argue with Frank a lot, worry too much, etc. I know I've done tons better with my attitude and behavior due to conviction over loosing chaces to witness to this beloved former family member and lots of prayer. I talk quite a bit still abt how my faith holds me during our trials with Cannon's medical issues, etc. But don't come right out with Bible verses very often. I hope my life and the choices I make will be my witness.
The conversation today upset me so very much. I care abt these people and their immortal souls very very much.
That's all I said. If the Lord were to return tomorrow, could I say I've done my very best with my life? This questions gnaws at me.
