
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

YEAH! Okay well at least the people at work enjoyed the fiesta bean salad (the new recipe from aforementioned blog). Any baking or cooking of any kind seems to take me a very long time to create since I have to scrub down my counters, compulsively wash my hands, and follow the recipe step-by-baby step since I am not naturally inclined to baking, cooking, etc.

Work is still really busy so I'll sign off, but one happy thing happened today (okay many did-I woke up healthy, I had food for lunch, Jesus loves me, I know its just been that kinnda week, Okay-I know you all have them.

I was unable to attend the memorial service for the client who I knew from work, but at his coordinator's request I wrote a small tribute. His assistant coordinator told me the tribute I wrote was very well received and just what he would have said had he spoken, so I feel at peace about that.

More later.

Busy. its been busy here at work and a little at home. I was sick 2 days last week-I managed to make it through the days at work, but that was about it. I had another ovarian cyst that caused other problems.. I'll spare you all the rest so suffice it to say my house cleaning did not get done-at all. I got some of it completed Monday and last night, but there is still much to be done!

I helped at a friend's daughter's high school open house- I was the "punch lady" so that was kinnda stressful and fun at the same time; it very much reminded me of when I use to work for the catering department at I.S.U. My friend made fabulous beer bread so I must get the recipe.

Mother's Day seemed to be an "off" day for my hubby and son so that always makes me sad. I still want the "June Clever" or "Michael Landon" moments for holidays. I'm so thankful for so much,but just one year I would like for Mother's Day to be a happy day-oh well prayerfully there are more years.

A client that we serve here at work died, I did not work directly with him, but knew him; it was very sad and happened very quickly (cancer that spread to bones,etc.). He was such a neat guy.

I tried a new recipe last night, but I'm sure its not a fav at my house.
Okie.. work is qetting busy.

Smiles! (is anybody out there?)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Happy May Day!!!!! The kids and I have candy and baskets ready for our May Day delivery which shall occur right after I'm done at work and pick up Jewel from after school care. I've been trying to revive the tradition of exchanging baskets of: candy/good wishes/flowers for years now with little success. Last year, Cannon and Jewel got baskets from Maddy, Cal and Autumn. NIFTY- I wish I could have caught their joy in a pic, but no camera was handy.

We celebrated Garrett's b-day on Sunday at a Lunar mini golf. The franchise is suppose to be opening one at our mall soon. Jewel is very pumped about this store opening (actually, Frankie is too!)

The Heubner clan celebrated Grandpa Frank's 60th Friday evening at B&K's. He looks very good for 60 yrs old, (if ya ask me) and everyone seemed to have a really, good time. Sara and Katie picked up pizza from Caseys (the Casey's in their town produces a much tastier pizza than the one in our town). We had a very, relaxing time. Katie baked a fabulous German Chocolate cake (Frank who doesn't even like G.Chocolate admited to me on the way home it was a good cake!).

I failed at surprising G'pa Frank with the delivery of cookies to his job site in (in celebration of his b-day), but he said he appreciated the gesture and now he won't have to share the cookies with co-workers. The delivery folks missed him by 1/2 hr. I thought he worked until 4 p.m-nope its 3ish. UGH! The kids had sent licorice and balloons to G'ma Kris on her 60th b-day so I wanted to make sure G'pa Frank got some attention and something fun for his b-day. Oh well, I tried. He was gracious and smiled and thanked me for the cookies.

Work is getting busy so I'd better finish some reports.

If any of you are praying people (Most of my friends are) Please pray for my friend, Susan, and a weird family thing she's going through.

Smiles and Happy MAY Day!!!


P.S. Brace yourselves for the beautiful, Star Wars U.S.P.S. stamps arriving in May at a post office near you.