Several of you have asked how Cannon is really doing, so I decided to share a little. We are not the only parents of a child with "extras" so here it goes. I hoep this can be seen as a testament of God's grace and never ending supply of love because that is how we not only get by, but are also blessed!!!!
Frankie was off from work this Easter so I was really looking forward to the special day celebrating Christ's resurrection day!!! celebration. Cannon did not have the best of mornings-we double checked things and figured out he has skipped a few doses of meds the day previous. He does not intend (I hope anyway) to do this, but gets distracted. So.. we are now having his meds bubble packed (thank God I use to be a Case Worker so I figured out a few handy tricks). His psychiatrist's nurse responded, "Oh good idea Mom". tee hee I gotta laugh. God answers prayers by putting thoughts together for us. So Sunday a.m. was well.. awful. Frank took most of the heat as Cannon targeted Dad. I felt really bad for Frank. After church, Jewel and I went to my bedroom to put candy in Easter eggs for our 1st family egg hunt while the guys had a little chat. Jewel and I also prayed really hard for our guys. At times like this I am so thankful for God answering prayers. It was a back and forth day for Cannon, but with our support he managed to stay on a fairly even keel. We decided to continually put our best foot forward and devoured a fabulous meal prepared by Frankie!!!!!!!
Anyway... we still had a joyous EAster day. I would not trade my little family for anything in the world, especially the recent growth I have seen in Frank and I as a married couple, Frank as a father and person, and our family in general. I hope Cannon can continue to heal and follow what God has planned for him. Sure I would love to see a miracle-supernatural healing from bi-polar and his other Dx, but I do not know God's plan. We continue to appreciate your prayers for our family. Please let us know if there are specific ways we can pray for you and your family.
Labels: Easter 2009