Well, took Cannon in to have the stitches out of his foot, but the Dr. was unable to take all of the stithces out because the wound isn't healed yet. So.. took some of the stitches out and put steri strips? (spelling?) in their place, told Cannon to be careful and hopefully it will be healed up by this Tuesday when the Dr. will try to remove the other stitches and strips. So no wrestling for awhile and he missed an AWANA Olymics practice, but hopefully soon it will be better.
I haven't checked on Addison in awhile, hopefully, she is doing well. Jewel drew some pretty cool "designs" this weekend while I finished 1/2 of 2 different scrap book pages; it's been 6 months since I worked on pages and still only completed 2 sets of 1/2 pages I'd already started (the rest of the pages from Sara, Amber, Kris and Cannon's trip to Kansas City in 2003-yes you all can laugh. I'm SO far behind, but progres is progress I keep telling myself). Cannon, Jewel and I worked on "the puzzle" a 1500 piece puzzle Cannon got from his Secret Santa from his class at school- it's actually pretty fun.
I finally got my Valentine's present!!! The Mad About You best of collection-Frank bought it on sale; good man. Jewel and I watched the entire collection this weekend (we stayed in due to the -16 degree weather). My in-laws are back in Iowa, safe and sound! My father-in-law told me they had a wonderful time and even had some pictures taken during the vacation developed already. WOW!!!
Cannon "preached" to Jewel this weekend when she confused being baptized with being saved- Even though he told me he changed his mind this weekend about becoming a financial planner when he grows up to being a doctor "more stable income- he said" I still think there is a preacher in him. He made some really good points while talking to her.
Is any of this exciting? No, but it's my life and I'm very thankful for it.
More later,